Generations of Technologies (web 7.0)

History of the Future

Web 1.0  Windows 95, pages on the internet.

Web 2.0 Interactive internet, post information on the web without knowing code. Facebook, etc.

Web 3.0 Google, contextual search, knows where you are, gives you relevant information based on that. There is an artificial intelligence recognizes you and serves you information different from what it serves other people, based on who you are, what your preferences are etc.

Web 4.0 is mobile devices, always connected, don’t really even use the word internet anymore. Don’t turn on radio to get the weather, you use an app.  Mobile workstations (read .pdfs, edit Word docs, while listening to streaming music) all from your cellphone. Network has extended into our mobile devices. Internet isn’t just in your house anymore, you have it in your car, and on your bike, where ever you go.

Web 5.0 wearable devices that track even more personal information than location, like calories burned, what was eaten, google glasses recognize what you are looking at.

Always a bit of a blur of boundaries when transitioning between these bands. Here the blur is represented by paraplegics who have full use of their artificial limbs, via neural impulses from their brain; so its not just wearable technology, but technology that is directly interfaced with their thoughts, e.g. they don’t have to type or say “arm, move to right to pick up glass of water and take drink”, they just have to think it.

Web 6.0 Beginning is the ability to think a search phrase, rather than type it or speak it. End of 6.0 beginning of 7.0 is when difference between augmented humans and non-adopters or naturalists is so great that a non-adopter can’t really survive in society anymore; e.g., the signs that designate where roads are, and the lines on those roads that designate which side to stay on, are no longer painted on the road, they are directly streamed to you electronically. You know where the roads are, not because of some physical sign, but because your brain just automatically receives the information via GPS. Non-adopters aren’t getting this information and are literally roadkill. The difference between non-adopters and augmented humans are extraordinary, and though they may not technically be a different species yet, there isn’t enough mating occurring between the two types of humans that for all practical purposes, they are two different species.

At the end of 7.0, they are literally two different species, if non-adopters still exist.

Will Oremus (2013) Mind Plus Machine. Accessed on 3/24/15 from

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