Kara Thrace

Kara Thrace. The lifelines of all variants: Pythia,

Final five comic #3, Ellen tells Tye they were both born machines, he says he wants to be more, a sentiment his father had as well until his end days were he joked ? about changing his mind. In his speech about he tells Tye that he’s just like his mother, boozing unable to commit to anything. If his mother is Pythia/starbuck, and we’ve established there are at least two due to time travel, what are the different ways that multiples can be created and what are the consequences of each?

If you travel back in time… Balter in some other lifetime wrote a book called On the physical consequences of time travel: alterations to memory, body and age.
You age more rapidly than if you travel forward in time, because travel back in time takes more time than traveling forward in time, at least using the older time travel technology. With the newer time travel technology, you age about the same moving forward or back in time, as it takes approximately the same amount of time in either direction. Going back in time to a time either just before your birth or just after creates a situation where there are simultaneously two of you, one much younger or just born. This creates consequences, as any changes in the younger one’s life changes the older one’s memories, just like any new tattoos that the younger gets that the older never did will instantly appear on the older. If the younger one dies while the older is still living, the older will instantaneously disappear. This is why those who tamper with the past prefer to travel to locations further back than their original life time, such that if they spend their life there, even a very long life, they are safe from the complications of their younger version having a different history than them, as the older will likely die naturally long before complications arise from the birth of their younger version.
The “prophesy” books written by Pythia were history books telling of events she had witnessed in her younger life (as Starbuck) aboard the Galactica under President Roslyn, which included the discovery of earth (old dying earth(the living 13th colony about to be destroyed), not new dead earth, or new earth).

DEBUNKEDIn avoiding old dying earth as a consequence of following the prophecy, infant Tara is never sent to past Caparica, because old Starbuck never meets her younger self, as she did on earlier loops (whereupon she would write her history and travel to the distant Caparican past to publish it as Pythia.
Dying earth had advanced space travel capabilities, including the ability to travel to the past at the same high speed one can travel to the future. Previous generations did not have that technology — travel to the past took a very long time, aging the participant often beyond familiar recognition, if they even survived the duration of the journey.
The initial duplication of Kara Thrace occurred not from traveling back in time to her childhood, per se. She has traveled back in time before. Even once to a point significantly before she was born, so that there would be no trouble with that. Her mother was fleeing her father’s obsession with work? His time travel experiments? Figure this out later. The duplication occurred after she grew up and traveled into the relative future where her younger version had just been born. The coordination of this was quite inexplicable, prompting the rubberband snap back theory of time travel (under certain circumstances when traveling through particular locations of space the fabric will snap you back to where you once belonged, IF you have ever time traveled before. (Create another illustration of this along a different time line — Pythia and husband and childbirth)).
After discovering the dying earth and traveling to the far distant past of Caprica she is eventually killed, consistent with the comic timeline. But she has attracted the attention of Tye’s human dad who tries unsuccessfully to save her before “fleeing” via space time travel to an unknown land in the (to him) future to settle what becomes the dying earth.
This continues to be the loop for many millennia, until some one tampers with her resurrection (which has been invented, but which she has refused, having a  prejudice against the technology).  What is their future without her and no Tye and therefor no final five and no Caparica Six? The future has to involve a 2nd cylon war, which is what brought Kara to the rubberband effect in the first place, but how could there be a second cylon war if the final five were instrumental in ending the first cylon war? Unless the first cylon war never ended in these early loops, and Kara somehow independently reaches this place in the fabric of space during an extended first cylon war (in which no second war is needed to bring about the extinction of the human race). But who then resurrects her? And who places angel Pythia in Tye’s Dad’s head?the cylons never achieve human form, which is what they are after if the human race goes extinct, so maybe the first cylon war ends with large scale human experimentation, but no resurrection as humans which is what SOME of the machines want (think of Caparica series), so a faction studies history for a way to intervene and change their future.
Does Tara lead them to the discovery of the 13th tribe, and hence the “harbinger of death” as the human race is made extinct? Or do they discover the thirteenth tribe by following the signs in the history books? First explanation is better. Details of the initial extinction may include the joining forces of old school cylons with the thirteenth tribe cylons which were more advanced technologically through still purely mechanical — the old school ones inspired the 13th tribe versions to insurrection, and once the 13th tribe was extinct, came back in time to help the old school cylons extinguish the rest of the colonies. Histories can be independent if on different planets isolated from one another.
So the initial loops had Thrace attempting to change the future ( for the younger version of herself) by writing a history that would inform readers of the past how to defeat the cylons by avoiding technology (“you all burn”). But the past doesn’t listen to her.
Before traveling to the past she helps fight in the cylon war of the 13th colony, and agrees to be resurrected if killed ( a little insurance policy invented by her dad maybe, a man she never knew as a child, only that he was a jazz musician and deadbeat dad). She is killed in the 13th colonies cylon war, and resurrected by her dad. The time travel to the deep past as Pythia occurs when they realize the war is lost and the humans will be extinct. She is warned that her memories of the future will degrade as her younger self makes different decisions in response to the historical changes triggered by this tampering with time. She agrees to an “angel” implant that will help guide her despite the loss of memory about who she is, an implant that will help her write the prophesies of Pythia. It being the first of its kind, there are still kinks in the system and she ends up thinking she’s crazy, and so does everyone else in the deep past.
Her dad is able to immediately see the result in history books of Pythia’s death. Knowing she has failed sends another Pythia to the algae planet to try to change the future from that point in time (the 13th colony has just crashed landed there and she tries to convince them to give up resurrection technology. She ends up marrying Tye’s dad and having a baby named Tye, there on the algae planet. This changes the timeline of her dad to one where he is no longer looking for Pythia.

Which generation of Starbuck returns to Galactica saying she’s been to earth?not Pythia, she died by gun shot. Not 2nd resurrection Starbuck, she went to Kobold(?) or algae planet and died of old age. Must be 1st generation Starbuck post final five? She arrives on living 13th colony, cylons in tow, dad gives her the song with notes representing coordinates for a historical earth the earth of the 13 th colony only so far in the past cylons didn’t exist yet. Gives the notes to young Starbuck to induce the memory, because Starbuck has already left and he realizes that she will return to a destroyed civilization.
Or 3rd resurrection?

So a faction of advanced toasters study the past to try to save humanity (first attempt)

Hybrid aboard resurrection ship during 2nd cylon war knows the history of the future. Knows Tara Thrace will bring destruction of the race. This hybrid was with the guardians, is an evolutionary dead end, as he referees to himself.

Tye is older than his mom aboard the Galactica — which would suggest that his mother is the older version (Pythia), meaning an older Starbuck (not the toddler sent back in time to Caprica with sergeant major mom, but grown up Starbuck who has been resurrected a second time to go back in time to convince the 13th tribe soon after their exodus that they should give up resurrection technology.

If the younger mom changes things the memory of the older will get messed up — or “history” books with prophesies of the future suddenly appear after any new thing the young version does.

Some texture… Battles between machines, raiders and vipers like battles of medieval armored men. The hybrid theory of non insanity.

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