More Series Notes 2

More series notes 2

Angel six is surprised when she discovers herself on the Pegasus, indicating that the timeline has changed. Or that she hadn’t seen herself before, this being the first loop to get this far. She tells Baltar that “she’s me”. Pegasus six escapes to the Galactica, potentially goes on to be Baltar’s wife… Or, how did she get caught on the Pegasus? She got caught on the Pegasus by the xo during an attack by the cylons, as a boarding party accompanied by a six was discovered. Xo surmised that she had given the cylons their coordinates. Maybe but also the possibility that she had fallen in love with admiral Kane, which wasn’t part of the plan (the Pegasus was supposed to be destroyed in harbor like the rest of the battlestars), which is supported both by the boarding party seemingly being unaware of the other six being on board (pretty risky otherwise bringing a six on the boarding party, unless trying to talk her down — it is the same six outfitwise that we see on occupied caprica jealous of the love Athena has found. maybe the boarding party six is trying to reign in a rogue sister who appears to have caught the love virus. I’ve speculated that the purpose behind angel programming is that like hybrids it is a module uneffected by the memory loss inherent in many jumps, so it can used to help navigate where time travel is involved. What if on the previous loop she didn’t get caught or wasn’t on the Pegasus because either the Pegasus is destroyed in harbor (and that six just resurrects and has a different future, or because the the boarding party incident never occurred? Being undiscovered she eventually meets the professor.

From the episode “downloaded”:
Caprica six has an angel Baltar upon rebirth after the destruction of Caprica. Angel Baltar warns of the plans to box Sharon and Six, encourages insurrection, telling Six he loves her, that love is real. This is not the first timeline that Sharon and Caprica Six are put together here, what happened on the other time lines? Was Anders killed? And maybe Helo too? So on previous timeline Sharon and Caprica Six are too out of it, they’re crazy, their experience of love and then their betrayal of that love has damaged them. They are unable to process quick enough to consider saving Anders when he is caught, which potentially ends the final five plan to infiltrate and protect the fleet (their memory erasure, as told in the comic, didn’t change their programming, Cavil didn’t know they had such a developed plan) — what role was for Anders in the plan on Caprica? Perhaps his role was after the success of the love experiment. The comic doesn’t say precisely when Saul is shot, or when Ellen is air locked. Maybe the children launched the attack while the final five weren’t around, the entry of the final five coming in loops later, after they have learned of “the plan” Cavil has, and after learning about it create their own elaborate plan to protect the humans, Cavil erases their memory in response, but doesn’t catch on that they have been planning this for awhile (100s of years after the first loop(s)), their plan is much deeper than their conscious memory, as conscious memory can not be relied on during time travel, for the reason outlined elsewhere. The parents realize the children have grown up, and want them to continue to grow and learn about love, but the fact remains that the humans need to be protected during this cylon civil war, the final five will be the fail safe. The television series is the last loop, several loops occurred prior to this, each involving the extinction of the human race; This book tells the story of those extinctions, and the future cylons haunting the universe for millennia who eventually perfect several experiments with interventions in history to save the human race. Starbuck dies in captivity on Caprica in one of the later loops, so Anders intended role was to make sure Kara survives. Kara knows where earth is, and has written about finding it as Pythia, knows the final loop with the President. Kara’s first loop is tricky business because she is the mother of Saul, as a Rogue god, and she has to be a mother before Saul’s children can be invented, so how does she know the “future history”. Her disappearance at the end line of the series indicates her younger self (who may be physically older due to years and years of time travel) has died — perhaps due to flying into the sun, the colony being crushed by the black hole, or a historic mortal event occurring simultaneously with the present future event. Remember that backward time travel produces a second you AND ties you two, in such a way that if the second you historically deviates from the course you took, for example doesn’t time travel when or to where you did, or somehow gets killed, you timeline ceases to exist and you disappear, though others can still remember you. The series would indicate that the Kara who returned from earth to lead them to earth is the time traveler, went forward in time at some point(), and maybe back again, but “younger” version did not and so deviated. Maybe there were three… Because youngest Kara is the one who is taught the coordinates to NEW earth in a song, before going forward in time with mom to Caprica just prior to cylon war, to train to be a cadet. But anything the younger is taught is immediately known to the older variant. Kara’s unseen trip to OLD earth, was backward time travel, not knowing she traveled back in time, or that the people there are cylons (they actually didn’t call themselves that) without resurrection technology, she warns that the cylon “machines” are coming. Dad may or may not recognize her, and maybe always gave the coordinates in song. Kara goes forward in time as a child, then back in time (creating duplicity) meeting herself and dad, then forward in time back to Galactica with coordinates to NEW earth ( ship having coordinates to old earth), dad knowing she will eventually remember them. In the time it takes to return to Galactica does the younger Kara to present day earth and get stranded, there being no one there. But her helmet is on suggesting she crashed and burned in combat, maybe with those ships she was seeing. How did either variant travel back in time?rubber band effect? Regression tide.
How could Saul or Saul’s dad be on earth if Kara is a baby on earth?

4-5 locations:
Future                     Old Earth              New Earth          Algae Planet      Kobol         Caprica
Past                     Draw this on paper, note the present is important for births and deaths

Sharon learns that Baltar was a traitor. Chapter title: Pegasus Six.
Original line, Baltar falls in love with Pegasus Six, who doesn’t know who he is, they have a child, but Baltar is put out an airlock. Pegasus Six at some future date programs angel six to save her lover and her child. There is no Starbuck yet. Angel six succeeds in saving Baltar but not herself or her future baby. Baltar realizes in the future what she had attempted to do, and returns the favor, creating angel Baltar, so that the real versions can go on and on loving each other with resurrection technology.

Starbuck is Saul’s mom. Possible history: first loop, no talk of earth. Starbuck has already time traveled as child, from earth, to escape apocalypse, an apocalypse without the final five? Has learned the jump coordinates as a child, taught by her dad, as a song. She experiences the rubber-band effect during space travel as an adult, ends up back on earth,  warns of the coming cylon destruction, meets herself as a child.

So this generation of earth is able to do time travel. the preceding generations on Caprica haven’t understood the time travel component of jumps. but the timeline she comes from on Earth does. They send her back again, but further this time, to Michael Tye’s generation on Kobol, but immediately see that their history books indicate she is killed for her heretical anti-technology beliefs (actually accidentally assassinated while Magnus Baltar was trying to kill Michael Tye). The history books indicate that this Michael Tye character and the assassin kill each other in a fight on the algae planet, so they send her back again but this time to that exact moment of the fight to be able to “prove” to those two that there are greater forces at work trying to change things “here and now”. She’s sent with the book of Pythia this time which spells out the future as most reliably recorded in history. Her mission is to get get Magnus to return to Kobol to preach the gospel of Pythia and thus change history, and Michael Tye to go to earth to change the future, both to insure the future does not include cylons. The book of Pythia speaks of man and gods living together on Kobol, which is a bit exaggerated as the “gods” were expelled.

So she meets Michael Tye on algae planet as a god, a reincarnated version of herself. There are some who believe that you are a “rogue god” if in addition to reincarnation, you time travel to change events, or is it only if you change events against the democratic vote of the gods? Chapter title: rogue gods.

From episodes ending season 2
Baltar and Pegasus six, her struggle with being who he wants her to be. Her suicide. She was confused by the love she felt for him, her original mission was to destroy the Pegasus. Angel six told him to get the bomb for his research, did she know that Pegasus six would use it to kill herself? And was angel six programmed by Pegasus six on an earlier loop? A loop in which Baltar

Chief punching his girl, potentially 2nd final five loop, he wants her not to love him, but that mission objective is erased minus how strong his sub conscience is. Why does he want to kill himself? The success of the final five protecting the human race (which goes extinct on earth without interbreeding with cylons) still leaves him without casy, alone.

From the road less traveled: chapter title: end of line.  hybrid history and time travel. When hybrids say “end of line” they are referring to the end of a loop. “Real”, or true history, is read not as the linear progression of events, as humans naturally experience, but rather as a series of end points of temporal loops.

From escape velocity. Gius Baltar is trying to escape his guilt of presidency, Tye his guilt for killing his own wife, Tory her guilt of killing Galen’s wife, Galen his guilt of not being a better husband to his human wife — AND his guilt of being a cylon when he wants to be a man. Gius and Tory answer their guilt with the theology that they re perfect–everything happens for a reason. Tye and Galen answer it by trying to be better men.

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