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Baltar knows who fails the cylon detector test but isn’t telling anyone because why? That could get him thrown out the bulkhead. Basically he’s just being his selfish self, he tells on the cylons that threaten him, stays out of the conflict with the ones that don’t, and listens to angel six when he’s not sure. The end line six (future six who intervenes in the timeline to complete the parenthood experiment) trusts that Baltar will be himself, and hence be predictable, and is mailable –given his how captive he is to his lust and fear — so bets that placing the angel programing in him is the bet guaranteeing a couple critical changes in the timeline.

Based on Tie me up Tie me Down, the hand of god, colonial day.
Sharon on new caprica appears to be pregnant ( morning sickness) soon after she ditches the cylons. Occupied caprica six is really upset with Sharon for flipping sides or is it that she isn’t experiencing love (angel six is outside the timeline) — occupied six only knows lost love, which makes her both very sad and angry. Her appearance in the cic, she is angry and vengeful and only  gets further rejected. Baltar has as this point lived longer the previous loop where exit inaction occurred. He still gets thrown out the bulkhead further down the line, for not having worked on the cylon detection machine, or for it being fallible in regard to the final five? Baltar tests and passes Ellen, but only indicates knowing that Sharon is — Ellen and the rest of the final five are different, aren’t detectable by the cylon detector. angel six has indicated to him not to tell when he does detect who the cylons are, so the fleet finding out about the ones he detects either had bad consequences on a previous loop, or she is trying not to disturb the time line, except in places where she thinks she knows the result.

Chapter ?, The History of the Future.  About the invention of backward time travel: 13th tribe, and anyone else?, started trying to avoid the consequences of their nature, going further and further back in time. Pythia was one of those, not sure which tribe, started writing “the history of the future”, “all this has happened before and will happen again”. This implies multiple attempts at changing the line, and the “prophesy” of the future leader and her visions (the snakes) were written in retrospect.

Chapter title: loops of Gius. Baltar’s correct guess about the trillium refinery storage location was part of the natural time line, angel six just encourages his intuition.

His time line still being discerned, did he survive the caprica blast? If so, then no angel six afterward on initial loop, where the Olympic cruiser rams the galactica and the human race goes extinct minus the Pegasus. Initial loop she protects him during the blast, and he sees her dead body. The next loop she has scanned him for resurrection, using the box she carried which wasn’t a bomb and she allows him to die in the blast, at the last moment turning him toward the blast. He then has no memory of what happened next, resurrection wise.

Need to discern when he is air locked in the future…

Title of the book: The History of the Future, There was more than one plan.

Based on the kobold episodes
Starbuck and Pythia are one. She went back in time with the arrow and wrote the prophesy about the president leading the way to earth, but she didn’t leave until after the 13th colony settled. She traveled back in time twice? Roslyn’s hallucinations were a matter of public record, and the historical record concluded with the extinction of the human race. Pythia travels back in time to write the pathway for future generations to follow, but when does she leave the future?

Chapter title: Remembering Kobol
Angel six knows Baltar should leave the galactica, she knows the coup is going to occur.
The base star at kobol may have known that they were coming? Jump coordinates were not part of recorded history, though certain battles were. Sometimes the cylons could be waiting for them, given the hybrid knowledge of the future, other times the temporal length of stay of the Galactica was so short that the recording of that precise moment in space and time had a probability of error. You can get the place right, but not the time right, or the time right, but not the place. The episode called something minutes or seconds, the hybrids knew the locations just not when, or there is a drift that occurs of precisely that man minutes.
Angel six knows that a new race is to come and says Baltar’s destiny is to be the guardian of that race. Baltar recognizes the opera house on kobol, angel six says “of course you do”. Is this because a memory implant tells him to recognize it, or because he has traveled back in time from a previous loop to be the guardian? If so, what happened in the first loop? It can be inferred that the baby didn’t make it. If he went back in time without resurrection he would have aged, unless the angel programming is able to project the age of its current host, so even if it was programmed in the host’s future, it could look like the host in the past, to be a more efficient guide in the past. So at some point he’s been resurrected, unless he travelled back in time to Caprica from the end line, and lost his memories in transit having altered his past timeline — in such case he’s the same man, just with an implant that was placed in the future before sending him back

About time travel again… Going back in time is more complicated, takes longer than going forward because of the complications in duplicating fabric of the universe, there are two of you when you go back in time, the one you meet when you back is younger than you EVEN if you have the most advanced form of instantaneous backward time travel, and anything that happens to them, any injuries or changes in their timeline relative to yours effects you — unless you go back in time before they were born and never share overlapping time, then there are really two of you?
So Kara traveled more than once back in time. One time was as Pythia to tell the tribe how to get to earth, recounting everything from the historical record of the future, knowing that something had happened since then that would prevent it unless the tribe had directions this time around. Given that her younger self had not yet been born, she could remember everything clearly, including how to build time machines… And so goes forward in time to where? What if Kara was born on the 13th colony, her dad taught her the song notes that the final five would use, knowing the plan, or maybe being a very young girl there, someone else made the decision to send her back in time, a trip that took time, and went back before she was born. Or rather that was a trip forward in time, 2k years, completed very fast, she gets off the ship still a kid and is raised by her hateful mother who never mentions time travel, or the loss of all her friends and loved ones. She grows up and becomes a pilot aboard galactica who in her adventures travels in time to Earth — but exists in two places in time ( actually a lot more than that, but just two are relevant here), the past and present. She travels to the past, prior to the extinction of the 13th tribe, so she gets the location right but not the time, bumping into a younger version of herself, and meets her dad who sends her back to the future with the coordinates for Earth, which takes longer because its older technology, having left before her younger self did. and dad is confused because the end of days hasn’t approached yet, he thinks the future fleet can come to the past earth to hide. While older Kara is traveling back to Galactica, forward in time, the 13th colony is destroyed, unbeknownst to her on several levels, as she didn’t know it was her dad or that it was the past. But her visit to earth forewarned the final five, and her dad after her older self left, taught the music notes to the younger Kara, of the earths location even further back in time… Understanding that the end was coming on the current timeline, he did this before she left with her mom, which created the memories in the older Kara following the older Kara’s departure from past earth, she hadn’t had these memories before.

Chapter ?, Kara Finds Earth, part one. There are phenomenon in the universe that pull you back to where you came from, kind of like gravity pulls you back when you jump toward the sky, even with technologically greater leaps toward the sky, you are drawn back. Eventually technology overcomes this backward pull, but as it often turns out, in this new place of our escape, we find a new pull that keeps us again where we are, despite our discomfort and desire to leap up above it all once again.

We find with time travel that if you go forward in time, there is a pull on the fabric of the universe, relative to you that can pull you back in time despite the technology that placed you in the new fabric — the old fabric is still tied to you. These phenomena are discovered to occur within deep gravity wells, as if the fall takes you back in time to your original fabric. Kara experiences this following the supernova, being in such close proximity, then followed up by a flight into stormy planet’s gravity well, she begins to travel back in time, not to a younger self — she’s still aging forward — just traveling back in time. She sees raiders attacking and feels the hit, these are the same raiders attacking the 13th colony, in a different time and place. When she sees them and follows them the second time, the old fabric pulls her back even further, past the attack on the 13th colony, back prior to her younger self leaving.

When she is sent back to the future, by the time she arrives the 13 colony has been destroyed, unbeknownst to her, and she has the coordinates to return, location wise, built into her ship. The younger version of herself goes through the same gravity well but doesn’t go back in time, as far, because the rubber band has lost some of its tension from the first loop. So this younger Kara, arrives at earth 100s of years after the extinction, but is hit by fire power from cylon raiders who are on their way all the way back to take part in the first extinction — so she crash lands and is killed, having reached earth but not the same earth her older self visited thousands of years ago

Kara was familiar with the symbol for the supernova because as a kid it was all around her, being a religious symbol used on the 13th colony,

What if the 13th tribe’s exodus was more contemporary than commonly understood, but that they sought refuge in the past from the future consequences of their present reality, first on kobol, then on earth.

Relativistic travel. Going back in time to where we were traveling back in time, is the same as going forward in time to catch up to the point you travelled back in time.

Kara, at the final destination earth (traveling back in time before her birth), having recently experienced the gravitational well of the black hole where the colony was hiding, rubber band backs to the future where she dies because her younger self has been killed at the same time in close proximity.

Based on 1of4 final five comic DEAD END
Pythia and tye have a thing for each other, Pythia is seeing visions of the future, tye is resurrecting within 13th colony well before cylons are invented on caprica. Fits hypothesis that 13th colony traveled back in time to kobol, and eventually were killed off by the humans there for being atheists — or rather gods themselves. A few then traveled to earth.

First Galactica loop there is no earth, and the human race goes extinct. Human resurrection and the old school cylons were just invented. The first cylon war ends it all. Human resurrections are the only ones to survive, they miss humanity and travel back in time, once time travel is invented. They land on kobol, and start a society, gods and man, living together. But that society turns on them, as told in the comic minus Pythia, they are attacked and must run for their lives, as one of the resurrection ships is destroyed. Tye has fallen in love for a human girl named Pythia who dies. He resurrects her without her consent which doesn’t go well, as she believes she has been kept from her heavenly destiny, and she kills herself. So Tye begins work on recreating her with additional programming to make her think she is “human”.

Chapter title: Leoben. Created using memories of Michael Tye, which is why he has “foreseen” being married and having kids with Sarbuck. Wh o he actually sees the 2nd coming of Pythia, married to his great grandfather.

Chapter title: what happens the final five reach the algae planet and convince the centurions to stop fighting? How to get from there to their memory loss. Are they warned to keep their identities secret because of the historical record of mistrust of the cylons? Even the term cylon and toaster don’t really refer to them on their timeline — they were “just” resurrectionists, the whole thirteenth colony, technically not related to the cylons centurions, the final five. They have the history of the colonies given that they are from the future, so they know we’re to place themselves in the fleet to make sure certain things do and don’t happen. Tye saves admiral Adama from the suicide bomb blast. Galen loves Sharon which turns her into a fallible assassin. Anders saves Tara from the farm. Tory ??? Works closely with the president. Ellen ??? Was in a bar speaking poorly of her husband.

Taken from the episodes about insurrection.
Chapter title: executing the general. As Guis is sleeping with a younger six, he “sees” the admiral being shot. Something about this experience with the younger six triggers his memory of an earlier loop, one in which the admiral is executed, and once again the human race is wiped out as a result. Perhaps the cylon base ship ends it for them as Roslyn orders the firing to begin. Maybe a game changer in the delay of execution was the ability to unjam the transmission Roslyn was trying to make to the fleet. Geta had to deal with that which delayed his execution order. Perhaps Gius having had the premonition of the admirals execution spoke to the rebel cylons rather passionately to secure help in breaking the jamming of the transmission. So Leoben then is ordered to work on it which which results in success. “How do you know they are going to execute him?” “I’ve seen it!”

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