Post new Caprica Notes

Post new caprica notes

Temple of Hopes, Temple of Five.  Algae planet Mandela in the temple. If the temple was made on the way to earth, how come the the final five are enshrined there? The final five are from earth.  It was called the the temple of hopes, not the temple of five, when the 13th tribe built it on their way to earth. The final five stopped by on their way back to caprica from earth, it’s where they met the old school cylons who recognized them as machines, where work in a sense started on the seven children. The old school cylons worshipped the final five and enshrined them renaming the temple the temple of five. Pythia referenced the temple as the the temple of five, so she must have had access to that timeline. Did she learn it in history books or witness it?seems she had to have learned it in history books on earth.

Future wars about freedom of information made available through time travel.

Notes from rapture and taking a break… Angel six tells Baltar what he already knows, that Diana is not the chosen one, he is. Does he know this from a previous loop, one in which he wasn’t so confident? Or was he just consistent in his narcism across loops?

Angel six does not try to prepare or assist Baltar as he is being prepped for torture — does she know he will survive, and that the unadulterated experience will be, as he says himself, liberating? If so, then this instances are both from older timelines.

Deleted scenes show caprica six attempting to defend Baltar aboard Galactica — in jail (having arrived with Sharon and Hera) she refuses to provide info guarantee of safety for Baltar. The caprica aboard razor killed herself with nuke. Who is this caprica, the original? The accuser caprica was air locked by cavil.

Need to answer why only the good guys are time traveling, why only angels and not devils?

More on Kara… Older version ends up Pythia, writing memoirs that change with the experience of the younger Kara. Are there three? One younger than Kara, who Kara sees when she travels to earth. This young Kara leaves earth with mom traveling back in time to caprica to raise Starbuck ( independent of Kara bringing the the cylons to earth — becoming harbinger of death). Starbuck goes back in time via storm planet finding earth but does realize this is past earth not present, unwittingly meets self getting ready to leave with mother. Now there re two. Warns everyone of the coming cylons, travels forward in time to Galactica, 2 months have past not the six hours she experienced it. Has seen earth, leads the team there, in present time, but discovers dead self and dead planet — they have not gone back in time as far as she was a little while ago.

Maybe the farm experiments were specifically run on her because the bad guys know she’s  harbinger, they’re trying to do there own experiments on her.

Is one of the hybrids an earlier version of Kara? As they fly into the sun Kara disappears because the hybrid is younger.       Pythia, Kara, hybrid, little girl.

Another theory, based on maelstrom.
Tara has very vivid visions/memories?? as she flies into the storm the first time, chasing after a heavy raider. Are the memories occurring simultaneously as younger variant changes the future variant’s history?

Notes from crossroads 1:
Angel Baltar (in six’s head–the six that kills boomer and helps Sharon escape with hara) appears to six as she is being interrogated by Tye concerning how the cylons are knowing how to follow them. She gives an answer that is clearly truthful, and as Tye becomes aggressive, angel Baltar gives her strategies to use that only a future Baltar would know after seeing the trial or reading history books, that would occur or be written later ( about how Helen died).
How is Roslyn tied to the opera house with Sharon and six, is it the blood she was given from the hybrid of Sharon and Helo?if so, how is six seeing the visions?are all cylons seeing it? Or is this dream only being seen by those who are connected more specifically to hara? Six had talked early on about the child being hers and Baltar’s, maybe the time line was changed but the memory of the alternate future lingers for six, knowledge of her child being chased by human and cylon, finding her way into her arms at last. Or maybe it’s simply her memory of the future (history of the future) she brings back with her. Maybe Sharon AND Six both bring the history of the future with them when they travel to the present past, and as events change the history of the future their memories can persist only as dreams. Roslyn suspects “blood memory” playing a role in her connection to six and Sharon, and attributes the accuracy of the vision to the ancient Gods –she never realizes how correct she was on both matters; the descendants of the final five in the history of the future being ancient gods.

Notes from crossroads II:
Sharon, Roslyn, six and hara all have the same premonition of Baltar and six receiving hara. In the vision Baltar and six look up at the final five, in a scene that suggests they were under orders from the final five. Perhaps have a chapter solely devoted to those orders and the context. Mitochondrial eve (hara) is required for the repopulation of the new species of hybrids, the union of cylon and human, bringing an end to the conflict as those separated from birth can come home — separated by their synthetic nature, but otherwise experiencing human experience minus mortality and parenthood, such experiences remove the jealousy that had driven them to fight the humans unto extinction. So hara is part of the end game. Did she fail to survive in previous time lines, such that the final five gave specific orders to Baltar and six to go back for a redo that only they can do, and which will change THE HISTORY OF THE FUTURE in such a way that those giving the order will not all survive, but the mission will be accomplished. If the orders came from the colony, perhaps during a time when the colony represented the entirety of civilization, cylons existed elsewhere in the universe, wondering the universe in different bands, or sometimes alone, experiencing mortality by choice traveling so far from resurrection ships, though sometimes by accident, dying without resurrection, sometimes with others, sometimes alone. Then there was the civilization, the colony, where everyone live together in a very civilized way, but everyone resurrected and hence where more like gods than man, and lacked the humanity that living with mortality brings. Eventually the sentiment of the outlanders (those without resurrection) wins out ?? Or does it continue to be a fringe activity started by those who had loved humans prior to the human extinction. As time travel advances, there are efforts to return to the past to change the history of the future to make it more like the idea they dream of.  In the first efforts for change, the final five program themselves to think they are human, something not to unusual, lots of practice with this programming, enabling them to experience mortality, the loss of friends and family, the imperative to seek ideals in ways that you only muster when you think you only have one life to live and love. So they are experienced with this game, the difference this time is that they study the history of the final human war very closely to find critical areas where their presence could make a difference. Sanders assignment is to keep Kara thrace alive on the farm, so he is positioned on caprica to survive the halocost and occupation, to change the history of one Kara thrace who has a destiny, such that she fulfills it. Cornel tie job is to befriend and become first officer on the battle star Galactica, being one of the two surviving battle stars, the one that happens to find itself protecting the last survivors of the human race. The presidents aid’s mission is to ?? Chiefs mission is to?? And Ellen’s mission is to help reunite them when the time is right for their final mission, or what?? Each of the final five could have a chapter devoted to their mission objectives and how those played out in various prior loops until the final.
Need a way to reset the mission when/if it fails, as computers they understand that they can keep trying infinitely, as they have time travel. What they don’t consider until all other options are wiped out, literally, is that six and Baltar hold the key.

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