The Oldest History of the Future

The oldest history of the future
Cylons having ruled the universe alone for millennia following the successful  genocide and extinction of humans have increasing become dissatisfied with their solitary existence. Some have not, but most have. That old idea that there was a flaw in the programming of those who felt an attachment to the human species has been the subject of reexamination. Several interesting facts about the initial cylon future:
They have no pets, they never figured out how to make synthetic life forms other than humans, those who worked on it were discouraged given the cylon slave history still bothering most. The final five were the creators, maybe the technical knowhow to create life from machines was forbidden to the children. Actual living creatures probably would have taken to cylons just like they did to their human counter parts, but cylons never invested in the required activities — the basics like feeding never occurred to most of them, and the need for companionship just wasn’t there. The need for companionship was seen as a human virus to the cylons, which drove those effected into longer periods of projected environments rather than invention or cross species companionship. Very much like humans, the loss or lack of this fundamental component of humanity in ones life often led to an obsession with power, even over ones own kind. Cylons eventually developed caste systems, and subjected the lower castes to a consumer lifestyle that fed the upper castes but left the lower castes wanting more. When the atomic psychological structure of dreams was discovered to draw on the external subatomic structure of one’s environment, someone envisioned the ability to tag subatomic environmental particles in such a way that when/if they were pulled into someone’s dream, they would activate a process that froze the dream while a commercial was played within the dreamer’s mind. Quite ingenious actually, but very disturbing nonetheless even to cylons, who after all enjoy their dreams, and prefer them uninterrupted.

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