Time Travel Takes Time

It takes time to travel back in time. This is a fact interestingly enough initially overlooked in the civilizations most consistent in the very development of time travel. Time travel takes time.    fantasies of time travel. It is true that the time these journeys take does indeed decrease with advances in technology, but the fantasy of instantaneous travel back in time without the aging of the time traveler, is a fabrication perpetuated by cybernetic life variants that have no true (or should I say human?) concept of time. Of the civilizations most consistent in the development of time travel… They always found it much easier to travel into the future than the past. Consequently, travel forward in time takes less time than traveling backward in time. We’ve seen this time and time again, regardless of the historical variants, advances in technology always led to forward movement being faster than backward movement. My studies have suggested this has to do with the very fabric of the universe. It’s just much more difficult to move back in time than forward. Moving backward in time involves more computation than moving forward.

30 years to travel back 30 years in time, placing your contemporaries 60 years ahead.
A 60 year old decides to visit his 30 year old self. It takes him 30 years to travel to that location in time, making him 90 by the time he can speak to his 30 year old self. At this point, if he wants to travel into the future to see his former contemporaries (who are 60 years ahead of him),

Finding it easier to escape into the future, and then use the more advanced technology found there to travel faster into the past and back. But the technology can’t be used where it didn’t exist, so there is no way to return to the present.

The ships used for time-space travel had to be built in such a way as to prevent their underlying technologies from disappearing upon arrival in past time lines where their underlying technology didn’t exist yet. The solution to this is a synthetic material existing free of the material making up the fabric of space.

Human beings, and all organic life forms as we know them, can not exist free from this fabric. This doesn’t mean they can’t travel in time, but rather that they must stay connected to consistently contingent string of events. So for instance, an object can not destroy a past variant of itself and still exist.

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