Mostly Obsolete

Mostly obsolete     …early work.
Thrace disappears b/c her younger self (think looper) does something which ends the loop.

Perhaps dying on earth ended her “older” life on the new earth — I think this is already answered on the Kara page.

I remember the final five comic series discussing how time travel is a component of deep space travel.

the survivors of the future warring colonies traveling back in time to their original home to warn of the coming destruction.

Maybe there are locations in space where sychronisity occurs — returning to earth brings the timelines together and Thrace disappears because a younger Thrace has died here, making her older version’s existence impossible because the time lines are now synchronized.  But what happened to cause the asynchrony? Was Thrace from the future of the destroyed earth, traveling back in time, to tell of how  this has all happened before.

when you travel back in time, as changes are made you loose your memory or it gets progressively foggy as the memory trace is undone by the alternate past you are creating.     So Thrace becomes just as lost about her true past as have the final five — and for the same reason — not because their memory was erased by Cavil during their resurrection, but because they are changing history. We already know that the final five were the first five cylons. We have also been told that humans, not cylons, invented resurrection technology.

Working titles: Remembering the Future., Or the history of human augmented cybernetic memory. Human understanding of memory changed significantly with the advent of deep space travel. Prior to this, their understanding of memory was limited to the study of how it evolved in other animals around them.  Limited to this viewpoint they considered memory a phenomenon independent of the space time continuum in which it occurs, an error corrected only after humans had extensive experience in space travel.

memory evolved in its most rudimentary forms millions of years ago. These earlier forms of memory were a form of stimulus aversion. a plant growing toward light instead of darkness, a single celled organism avoiding areas so bright that it would bring about their cellular destruction, instead preferring areas of more moderate light. Memory eventually evolved into the audio visual tactic smell taste that we are all now familiar.

did the final five change so much of their own history they have forgotten they are cylons, or was it somehow related to their mission, or was it indeed Cavil’s doing? Perhaps they disabled their ability to retain the memories of their generations of traveling in an attempt to better preserve their original memory of the destroyed earth and the importance to warn and protect the capricans.

It was soon discovered that you could resurrect a human prior to death and in effect create a clone who’s body parts could be harvested to serve a host who didn’t “believe” in resurrection. What happens if a clone scheduled for harvest escapes and time travels to escape his captures, either into the past or the future? Into the past they could change events leading up to the need for their capture, but they could inadvertently change history such that they were never created in the first place. Keep that in mind when we consider Thrace’s inexplicable disappearance upon the discovery of new earth. If escaping to the future their are two problems: first others can easily follow (as the fabric of space allows for easier travel forward than back); and second, you could also run into problems confronting hostile technologies and cultures in the future that are as yet undocumented.

*In what circumstances do others remember you when your time line is erased?

The history of Thrace and Pythia.  Thrace is a resurrected human.

if Thrace traveled into the future through the black hole or worm hole whatever it was and died — but was resurrected in that future, she would age normally as she traveled back in time to tell everyone she found earth in the future. But then as she turned around and traveled toward that future, showing them the way, not only would her memory get messed up having changed the future in which she traveled through to get back, but also upon arrival to the synchronized location of space and time where she died as a younger woman she would disappear.

O.k. here’s the theory — you can travel forward in time without your body aging, but when you travel back in time your body ages during the process — so if the journey back took several weeks, and the distance that took was several years, then the several years you spend going forward at normal time lapse toward that single event horizon (of your younger death in space and time) would result in you being older than your younger death event, which when they (the formerly asychronnis time lines) meet would cause you to disappear.

resurrected with all her memories, memories of the future that would be fleeting once she arrived back in the past. The final five cylons were traveling much longer distances to save humanity — they were traveling generations and generations to get back to warn everyone of the imminent cylon attack. so they brought along resurrection ships to pull this off. the bad cylons did this as well in an attempt to reach and  destroy caprica before the capricans could end the cylon lines. these future technologies arriving in the caprican past explain how the present day cylons, born in caprica, advanced so fast in technology during such a brief break after the first cylon war..

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