AWS IQ waives fees until June 30, 2020, to help you stand up and scale remote work initiatives

The recent post Working from Home? Here’s How AWS Can Help shared several ways AWS is helping you set up and scale remote work and work-from-home initiatives. Getting these solutions set up is sometimes best—and achieved more quickly—with expert help. You can get the help you need with AWS IQ, which connects you to AWS Certified third-party experts for on-demand project work. To support you with access to this resource, and to support the community of highly skilled consultants who deliver the service, AWS IQ is waiving both the 3% buyer fee and 15% expert fee until June 30, 2020. Effectively immediately, 100% of AWS IQ payments go directly to the IQ experts performing the work.

AWS knows that you are dealing with many changes with work, school, and community environments. Like other AWS IQ customers, you may need help configuring remote desktops for your teams with Amazon WorkSpaces, setting up a contact center in the cloud with Amazon Connect, or adding a chatbot in your call center to handle the rise in call volume. Or, like many businesses out there (such as restaurants, schools, medical services, and independent retailers), you need help to quickly adapt and move online. The experts at AWS IQ offer hands-on assistance remotely for a wide range of projects, such as hosting your website, migrating your database, setting up your network, building your analytics solution, or optimizing your AWS service usage.

AWS IQ experts

Many skilled workers are facing new hardships. AWS IQ offers experts the opportunity to earn income using your AWS skills. The scope of the work varies from small jobs, such as configuring an AWS service, to large-scale projects such as developing end-to-end applications. If you are interested in working as an AWS IQ expert, you can sign up at AWS IQ for Experts. You must be US-based and hold an AWS Certification. If you’re not certified yet, you can now take all AWS Certification exams online.

The following video shows you how AWS IQ works:

AWS IQ connects you with independent AWS experts to get you the help you need. You can post a request and connect with someone in minutes. From there, you can view expert profiles and chat with experts before deciding on the right person for your project. You only pay after the work is done and you are satisfied.

All IQ experts are US-based and have verified AWS Certifications. When you are matched with experts, you choose who you want to work with. AWS IQ shows you detailed profiles, ratings, and review history. The following screenshot shows a few experts you may get matched with.

To give you a better idea of the types of projects and prices you can expect, some experts have packaged offers. You can select them as-is or customize them to suit your needs. When you choose an offer, you can discuss your requirements with the expert beforehand, without any commitment. The following screenshot shows some of the packaged offers you might select from.

If you are interested in getting a remote work project done, visit AWS IQ and choose Get Started with AWS IQ. If you are interested in working as an AWS IQ expert, sign up at AWS IQ for Experts. We wish you, your workforce, and all of your families health and safety.


Jay Allen is a Director for AWS IQ. He loves to work on innovative products that have the potential to impact people’s lives in a positive way. In his spare time, he tries to keep up with his boys while skiing, mountain biking and being outdoors in the beauty of the Pacific Northwest.





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