Knoco 2023 survey results are available
The Knoco 2023 KM survey is now available, Follow the link below to order a free copy.
Knoco Ltd has conducted a global survey of Knowledge management every three years, starting in April 2014, with the latest in September 2023. Participation has been free, voluntary and confidential, and all participants received a copy of the Knowledge Management Survey report.
Thank you to all who took part this year!
In total, nearly 1200 people have taken part in the 4 surveys; mostly individuals leading Knowledge Management activities or members of Knowledge Management teams.
The survey looks at many elements of the way people are implementing KM in their organisations, such as the choice of technology, the size of teams, the annual budget, and the use of various KM approaches.
The report contains not only the 2023 answers, but also the way these answers have changed over the course of the 4 surveys. See for example the plot below of answers to a question about the use and value of AI technology as part of KM (this particular plot only covers 3 surveys, as we did not ask about AI in 2014).
Here is the link again

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