A key lesson-learning role in the military setting
Lesson Learning is well embedded in the United States Army and forms a model which industry can emulate, especially when it comes to assigning knowledge management roles within the business.
As explained in this excellent analysis from Nancy Dixon, lesson learning works well in the US Army. This article describes some of the components of the learning system they apply, and mentions processes such as After Action Reviews and Learning Interviews, but also mentions different roles with accountability for the lessons process. One of the key roles is the Lessons Learned Integrator, or L2I.
The Lessons Learned Integrator role
- Collecting, reporting, and disseminating lessons from the host unit
- Monitoring lessons learned and other new knowledge from elsewhere, assessing it for relevance to the host unit, and “pushing” it to the correct people
- Initiating actions that lead to change recommendations
- Locally supporting the “Request for Information” process, where soldiers can make requests for information from the Centre for Army Lessons Learned.
- The L2I analyst can derive information from a variety of sources: unit after-action reports; tactics, techniques, and procedures used by units in and returning from theater; Soldier observations/submissions to the Engineer School; and requests for information.
- This information is used to conduct doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities gap analyses and to determine solutions
As ever, Industry can learn from the Military.
Too often we see “Lessons Learned systems” which seem to have no roles or accountabilities assigned to them. The assumption seems to be that “everyone is responsible for lessons learned”, which quickly becomes “someone else will do it”, then “nobody is responsible”. The Army avoid this by identifying specific pivotal roles for identification, communication and analysis of Lessons, and for identifying what needs to be done as a result.
If you want your Lessons Learned system to really work, then you may need roles similar to the L2I in your operation units.
Tags: Archive, lessons learned, roles
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