The Approved Open Source Licenses never looked better

Favorite A license-review project has been underway with the goal of creating a systematic and well-ordered database of all the licenses that have been submitted to OSI for approval since the time of the organization’s founding. Giulia Dellanoce was brought on as an intern to complete this Approval Registry project,

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Shared by voicesofopensource September 7, 2023

COSCUP Unveiled

Favorite (Thanks to Paloma Oliveira for this contribution!) Reflecting on how to improve our open communities Navigating uncharted waters often leads to intriguing discoveries. Imagine immersing yourself in a realm that commemorates a quarter-century of Open Source accomplishment. Invited by Open Source Initiative (OSI) to reflect upon the 25 years

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Shared by voicesofopensource August 22, 2023

Digital activists and open movement leaders share their perspective with Open Future in new research report, “Shifting tides: the open movement at a turning point”

Favorite Open Future conducted a study to gain a better understanding of the current state of the open movement, as seen through the eyes of people actively involved in its endeavors and leading organizations within the movement. Open Future believes that a shared movement identity and a shared advocacy agenda

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Shared by voicesofopensource June 22, 2023

OSI calls for revision of disclosure rules in CRA

Favorite OSI is a co-signatory of an open letter sent this week to the European Parliament by European Digital Rights (EDRi) expressing concern that the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) draft currently under consideration still includes mandatory requirements for vulnerability disclosure that violate best practices in Open Source software collaborations and are

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Shared by voicesofopensource June 20, 2023