Openly Shared

Favorite The definition of “open source” in the most recent version (article 2(48)) of the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) goes beyond the Open Source Definition (OSD) managed by OSI. It says: “Free and open-source software is understood as software the source code of which is openly shared and the license

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Shared by voicesofopensource April 26, 2024

OSI calls for revision of disclosure rules in CRA

Favorite OSI is a co-signatory of an open letter sent this week to the European Parliament by European Digital Rights (EDRi) expressing concern that the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) draft currently under consideration still includes mandatory requirements for vulnerability disclosure that violate best practices in Open Source software collaborations and are

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Shared by voicesofopensource June 20, 2023

Why open video is vital for Open Source

Favorite The news that the European Commission’s competition directorate (DG COMP) has decided not to conduct a full antitrust investigation into the Alliance for Open Media’s (AOM) licensing policy is to be welcomed, especially for the AV1 CODEC specification (successor to the VP9 CODEC and intended to allow royalty-free, high-quality video streaming). It seems

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Shared by voicesofopensource May 23, 2023

Why Open Source should be exempt from Standard-Essential Patents

Favorite With the European Commission soon to offer the Parliament a bill relating to Standard-Essential Patents (SEPs), it is worth taking time to understand exactly why vendors requiring negotiations to use the patents they have embedded in “open” standards is antithetical to Open Source practice. The value and prosperity generated from Open Source arises from

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Shared by voicesofopensource March 2, 2023

The ultimate list of reactions to the Cyber Resilience Act

Favorite The European Commission’s proposed Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) as drafted may harm Open Source, and perhaps all other non-industrial software. There were 131 responses to the proposed text that the Commission has sent to the Parliament, including one from the Open Source Initiative. Of those, 18 responses – representing

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Shared by voicesofopensource January 30, 2023