Intelligently search your organization’s Microsoft Teams data source with the Amazon Kendra connector for Microsoft Teams

Favorite Organizations use messaging platforms like Microsoft Teams to bring the right people together to securely communicate with each other and collaborate to get work done. Microsoft Teams captures invaluable organizational knowledge in the form of the information that flows through it as users collaborate. However, making this knowledge easily

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning March 18, 2023

How VMware built an MLOps pipeline from scratch using GitLab, Amazon MWAA, and Amazon SageMaker

Favorite This post is co-written with Mahima Agarwal, Machine Learning Engineer, and Deepak Mettem, Senior Engineering Manager, at VMware Carbon Black VMware Carbon Black is a renowned security solution offering protection against the full spectrum of modern cyberattacks. With terabytes of data generated by the product, the security analytics team

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning March 14, 2023