Incorporating your enterprise knowledge graph into Amazon Kendra

Favorite For many organizations, consolidating information assets and making them available to employees when needed remains a challenge. Commonly used technology like spreadsheets, relational databases, and NoSQL databases exacerbate this issue by creating more and more unconnected, unstructured data. Knowledge graphs can provide easier access and understanding to this data

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning November 18, 2020

Store output in custom Amazon S3 bucket and encrypt using AWS KMS for multi-page document processing with Amazon Textract

Favorite Amazon Textract is a fully managed machine learning (ML) service that makes it easy to process documents at scale by automatically extracting printed text, handwriting, and other data from virtually any type of document. Amazon Textract goes beyond simple optical character recognition (OCR) to also identify the contents of

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning November 18, 2020

Extracting handwritten information through Amazon Textract

Favorite Over the past few years, businesses have experienced a steep rise in the volume of documents they have to deal with. These include a wide range of structured and unstructured text spread across different document formats. Processing these documents and extracting data is labor-intensive and costly. It involves complex

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning November 14, 2020

AWS Finance and Global Business Services builds an automated contract-processing platform using Amazon Textract and Amazon Comprehend

Favorite Processing incoming documents such as contracts and agreements is often an arduous task. The typical workflow for reviewing signed contracts involves loading, reading, and extracting contractual terms from agreements, which requires hours of manual effort and intensive labor. At AWS Finance and Global Business Services (AWS FGBS), this process

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning November 13, 2020