Amazon Textract is now SOC and ISO compliant

Favorite You can now use Amazon Textract, a machine learning (ML) service that quickly and easily extracts text and data from forms and tables in scanned documents, for workloads that are subject to Service Organization Control (SOC) compliance and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) compliance. This launch builds upon the

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 2, 2020

6 benefits of reflective team learning

Favorite I was reflecting recently after a major lessons capture exercise from a multi-million Euro project of the benefits of this sort of reflective team learning.  It struck me that there are actually 6 areas of benefit from this practice. Team reflection, by Loren Kernson Flickr Firstly, the team members learn

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Shared by Nick Milton June 2, 2020

The issues of combining KM with another discipline

Favorite It is increasingly common to combine KM with another discipline, for example Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) or Knowledge and Innovation. Recent survey data suggests that this may create differences in outcome of the KM program. In the recent 2020 survey of global KM, we asked a new question

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Shared by Nick Milton June 1, 2020

Responding to the European Commission’s AI white paper

Favorite In January, our CEO Sundar Pichai visited Brussels to talk about artificial intelligence and how Google could help people and businesses succeed in the digital age through partnership. Much has changed since then due to COVID-19, but one thing hasn’t—our commitment to the potential of partnership with Europe on

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Shared by Google AI Technology May 28, 2020