Forget knowledge sharing, let’s encourage knowledge seeking instead

Favorite People often ask us “how do we incentivise  knowledge sharing?” I often answer “don’t bother. Incentivise knowledge seeking and re-use instead”. I give this answer, because knowledge sharing in itself achieves nothing. Knowledge needs to be sought and re-used before any value has been added, and re-use is often

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Shared by Nick Milton January 17, 2020

12 ways to develop trust in your KM Framework

Favorite We all know that trust is a key factor in the success of Knowledge Management, but trust in what, and how do we build that trust? Image from wikimedia commons Trusting a Knowledge Management Framework is like trusting a vending machine – you put money in, you get chocolate out every

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Shared by Nick Milton January 16, 2020

How to choose KPIs for a KM team

Favorite How do you measure the performance of your Knowledge Management team? What sort of KPIs should you choose? Image from wikipedia The answer to this question depends on the stage that KM implementation has reached. I suggest some KPIs below, for each of the different stages of KM implementation.

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Shared by Nick Milton January 15, 2020

Selling KM – how to appeal to head, heart, hands and feet

Favorite An effective Knowledge management communication message needs to appeal to the head, to the heart, to the hands, and to the feet of the audience. Here’s how. Communication is one of the 5 tools of KM culture change. Imagine preparing an internal presentation on Knowledge Management to one of

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Shared by Nick Milton January 13, 2020

"Pendulum swings" in Knowledge Management – a story

Favorite Knowledge Management often involves balancing two forces – Connect and Collect, for example, or value to the individual and value to the firm. If you are not careful, this balance can turn into pendulum swings from one factor to the other. Here is a story of this happening. Typical

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Shared by Nick Milton January 9, 2020