Operationalising Lessons Learned in a small organisation

Favorite Here’s a really great video on a small organisation operationalising a lessons learned process The organisation is Boulder Associates, an Architect and Design firm with a couple of hundred staff working out of a handful of US locations. The video was recorded at the KA-connect conference in San Francisco

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Shared by Nick Milton February 25, 2019

Lesson learning in the US Army – example from Haiti

Favorite Army learning is not just about fighting battles – here’s an example from disaster response Marines hand out rations in Haiti, by Marines Relief, on Flickr In 2010, the US Army was called in to provide humanitarian aid, including food and shelter, after a category 7 earthquake in Haiti.

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Shared by Nick Milton February 18, 2019

Lessons Learned, or lessons lost?

Favorite Are you learning lessons, or losing lessons? Kizar [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons A Lesson is an Investment It might take a project team of 10 people, one day to create, through facilitated discussion, ten high-quality lessons. So each of these takes one man-day to create; say £500 –

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Shared by Nick Milton February 15, 2019

Knowledge Management and modularisation

Favorite KM can support the approach of “modularised standardisation” Cargo Truck by Brickset on Flickr I wrote a blog post a few years ago about the powerful synergy between Knowledge Management and standardisation.  Knowledge Management, and the relentless focus on learning from experience, can very quickly drive the development of

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Shared by Nick Milton February 13, 2019

Can you outsource KM support?

Favorite Are there any parts of KM support you can outsource? If so, which parts? You have a successful Knowledge Management program under way. All is going well, but you are under increasing pressure with requests from the business, and you don’t have enough resources to respond to the demand.

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Shared by Nick Milton February 12, 2019