Favorite Amazon SageMaker multi-model endpoint (MME) enables you to cost-effectively deploy and host multiple models in a single endpoint and then horizontally scale the endpoint to achieve scale. As illustrated in the following figure, this is an effective technique to implement multi-tenancy of models within your machine learning (ML) infrastructure.
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning October 15, 2022
Favorite If you have searched for an item to buy on amazon.com, you have used Amazon Search services. At Amazon Search, we’re responsible for the search and discovery experience for our customers worldwide. In the background, we index our worldwide catalog of products, deploy highly scalable AWS fleets, and use
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning October 14, 2022
Favorite Amazon SageMaker Pipelines is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service designed for machine learning (ML) use cases. You can use it to create, automate, and manage end-to-end ML workflows. It tackles the challenge of orchestrating each step of an ML process, which requires time, effort, and resources.
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning October 14, 2022
Favorite Amazon Neptune ML is a machine learning (ML) capability of Amazon Neptune that helps you make accurate and fast predictions on your graph data. Under the hood, Neptune ML uses Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to simultaneously take advantage of graph structure and node/edge properties to solve the task at
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning October 14, 2022
Favorite This post was co-written with Tobias Wenzel, Software Engineering Manager for the Intuit Machine Learning Platform. We all appreciate the importance of a high-quality and reliable machine learning (ML) model when using autonomous driving or interacting with Alexa, for examples. ML models also play an important role in less
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning October 14, 2022
Favorite Posted by Yi Tay and Mostafa Dehghani, Research Scientists, Google Research, Brain Team Building models that understand and generate natural language well is one the grand goals of machine learning (ML) research and has a direct impact on building smart systems for everyday applications. Improving the quality of language
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Shared by Google AI Technology October 14, 2022
Favorite A massive amount of business documents are processed daily across industries. Many of these documents are paper-based, scanned into your system as images, or in an unstructured format like PDF. Each company may apply unique rules associated with its business background while processing these documents. How to extract information
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning October 13, 2022
Favorite Posted by Ashish Thapliyal, Software Engineer, and Jordi Pont-Tuset, Research Scientist, Google Research Image captioning is the machine learning task of automatically generating a fluent natural language description for a given image. This task is important for improving accessibility for visually impaired users and is a core task in
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Shared by Google AI Technology October 13, 2022
Favorite Enterprises often deal with large volumes of IT service requests. Traditionally, the burden is put on the requester to choose the correct category for every issue. A manual error or misclassification of a ticket usually means a delay in resolving the IT service request. This can result in reduced
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning October 12, 2022
Favorite Editor’s note: Last week Google hosted the annual Google For Africa eventas part of our commitment to make the internet more useful in Africa, and to support the communities and businesses that will power Africa’s economic growth. This commitment includes our investment in research. Since announcing the Google AI
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Shared by Google AI Technology October 12, 2022