Favorite Posted by Qihang Yu, Student Researcher, and Liang-Chieh Chen, Research Scientist, Google Research Panoptic segmentation is a computer vision problem that serves as a core task for many real-world applications. Due to its complexity, previous work often divides panoptic segmentation into semantic segmentation (assigning semantic labels, such as “person”
Favorite LiDAR is a key enabling technology in growing autonomous markets, such as robotics, industrial, infrastructure, and automotive. LiDAR delivers precise 3D data about its environment in real time to provide “vision” for autonomous solutions. For autonomous vehicles (AVs), nearly every carmaker uses LiDAR to augment camera and radar systems
Favorite There are three dangerous words you hear a lot when introducing KM. Here’s how to respond to them. Image from publicdomainpictures.net “We are different” Those are the three words, and they usually appear in this context. “Yes, I hear your stories and case histories about how KM adds value,
Favorite Optical character recognition (OCR) is the task of converting printed or handwritten text into machine-encoded text. OCR has been widely used in various scenarios, such as document electronization and identity authentication. Because OCR can greatly reduce the manual effort to register key information and serve as an entry step
Favorite Posted by Danijar Hafner, Student Researcher, Google Research Research into how artificial agents can make decisions has evolved rapidly through advances in deep reinforcement learning. Compared to generative ML models like GPT-3 and Imagen, artificial agents can directly influence their environment through actions, such as moving a robot arm
Favorite Machine learning (ML) is disrupting a lot of industries at an unprecedented pace. The healthcare and life sciences (HCLS) industry has been going through a rapid evolution in recent years embracing ML across a multitude of use cases for delivering quality care and improving patient outcomes. In a typical
Favorite Let’s say you have identified a use case in your organization that you would like to handle via a chatbot. You familiarized yourself with Amazon Lex, built a prototype, and did a few trial interactions with the bot. You liked the overall experience and now want to deploy the
Favorite Posted by Been Kim, Research Scientist, Google Research, Brain Team, and Alison Lentz, Senior Staff Strategist, Google Research, Mural Team Advances in computer vision and natural language processing continue to unlock new ways of exploring billions of images available on public and searchable websites. Today’s visual search tools make
Favorite Imagine a surgeon taking video calls with patients across the globe without the need of a human translator. What if a fledgling startup could easily expand their product across borders and into new geographical markets by offering fluid, accurate, multilingual customer support and sales, all without the need of
Favorite Over the last year, we’ve seen artificial intelligence (AI) systems advance our work in areas like inclusive product development and support for small businesses and job seekers. We’ve also seen its potential to be helpful in addressing major global needs — like forecasting and planning humanitarian responses to natural