Favorite From our global survey, the reasons why 18 organisations gave up on KM, and how to stop this happening to you. One of the questions in our 2014 and 2017 Global Survey of Knowledge Management asked about the current status of KM in the respondents’ organisations, and for those
Favorite If we want to succeed in Knowledge management, we need to learn from both successes and from failures. Murray Jennex’s 2005 book Case Studies in Knowledge Management contains an instructive failure study by Chan and Chau, from a Hong Kong-based enterprise with a production plant in mainland China. The company decided
Favorite Here is a sad story, about how trying to save costs in KM destroyed value. The moral of the story is about hopw bring people together face to face and letting them experience the knowledge for themseves, in context, established the necessary credibility for re-use. The organisation in question
Favorite An interesting study on a failed Knowledge Management project highlights 7 reasons for failure Here is an interesting study of a failed KM approach in a Pharma organisation, by Ashley Braganza1 and Gerald Mollenkramer. It starts with the following vignette. On a sunny morning in July 1999, Samuel Parsons,
Favorite When lesson learning failed in the Australian Defence Force, they blamed the database. But was this all that was at fault? Here’s an interesting 2011 article entitled “Defence lessons database turns off users”. I have copied some of the text below, to show that, even thought the lessons management
Favorite Is learning from failure the best way to learn, or the worst? Classic Learning by Alan Levine on Flickr I was driven to reflect on this when I read the following quote from Clay Shirkey; “Learning from experience is the worst possible way to learn something. Learning from experience
Favorite It is possible for the members of a Community of Practice to lose trust in the community as an effective support mechanism. Here’s one story of how that happened. The story is from one of Knoco’s Asian clients. This community started well, with 4 or 5 questions per week
Favorite You will inevitably make mistakes in your Knowledge Management program. Make sure they are small ones, not fatal ones. Mistakes by Ron Mader on Flickr Knowledge Managers need to learn, learning requires experimentation, experiments often lead to mistakes, but mistakes can be costly and derail your program. That’s a