Favorite How far does your knowledge spread in your organisation? Image from wikimedia commons We are used to the idea of the Carbon Footprint – the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of your activities – but what about your Knowledge Footprint? This is the
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Shared by Nick Milton July 20, 2018
Favorite When we set up our KM systems, lets make it as simple as possible for the knowledge-seeker. Let’s aim for the one-stop shop. Image from geograph.org.uk It is common for Knowledge Managers to start to plan their KM systems based on the supply of knowledge, or based on the
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Shared by Nick Milton June 20, 2018
Favorite Is KM a way of sharing the “voice of experience”? In many ways, you can look at much of Knowledge Management as being a systematic approach to identifying, distilling and transmitting the voice of experience around the organisation. Experience is the great teacher, and experience which is shared through
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Shared by Nick Milton March 21, 2018
Favorite Here is another reprised post from the archives – as relevant now as it was 5 years ago. David Snowden’s 7 principles for Knowledge Management are justly famous in the KM literature as a simple and accessible set of principles. However they all relate to the supply side of knowledge
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Shared by Nick Milton June 5, 2017
Favorite One of the biggest challenges is knowledge re-use. How does the aviation industry address this challenge? Image from wikimedia commons I often refer to aviation as a successful example of knowledge management, with lessons captured from every accident and incident and provided to pilots in the form of checklists,
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Shared by Nick Milton February 24, 2017