The KM "proof of concept"

Favorite In the early stages of Knowledge Management – even when you are still drafting the Strategy – you may need to deliver a “Proof of Concept” exercise. Proof of?, a photo by katmeresin on Flickr. This is a small intervention with a Knowledge Management tool or process, just so

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Shared by Nick Milton March 14, 2019

What basic competence does a Knowledge Manager need?

Favorite If Knowledge Management is “all about people”, then the best skills for a knowledge manager are people skills. I was reading a Linked-in discussion recently on the skills and qualifications (other than KM skills) that a Knowledge Manager should have. Some people said “Library and information skills” Some people

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Shared by Nick Milton March 12, 2019

Project Stadia – KM from interpol on Stadium Security

Favorite Here are some interesting videos from Interpol on their approach (Project Stadia) to develop and share lessons and good practices on Event Security. As this site explains “With our global network of experts, INTERPOL is ideally placed to serve as a centralized hub for research, design, planning, coordination and

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Shared by Nick Milton March 11, 2019

How knowledge matures

Favorite This post is a reprise from May, 2009 – nearly 10 years ago.  I thought it was worth digging it out again as there are some interesting ideas in here. Lewis & Clark,  a photo by Timothy Tolle on Flickr. It’s an illustration of how Knowledge matures over time,

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Shared by Nick Milton March 7, 2019

Knowledge has an expiry date

Favorite Knowledge has a half-life, and therefore an expiry date. This is the intriguing premise behind a new book by Sam Arbesman, called “the half life of facts”.  The book, described in the video below, focuses primarily on academic facts and on science, and finds a half-life of 44 years,

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Shared by Nick Milton March 5, 2019

"Speed of learning" as a competitive advantage

Favorite In today’s rapidly changing world, the speed at which your organisation learns can be a competitive advantage. Spitfies and Bf109 Dogfight, by Adam Purves on Flickr The world is changing, and the rate of change is speeding up. In the past, when progress was slower and the rate of

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Shared by Nick Milton March 4, 2019

The role of respectfulness when capturing knowledge

Favorite If you do not capture knowledge in an atmosphere of respect, you will often not capture knowledge at all.  Anonymous Unknown author [CC BY-SA 4.0 (] I blogged last week about Cognitive Dissonance – the way that people, when faced with the dissonance between their view of themselves as

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Shared by Nick Milton March 1, 2019

Knowledge Management career paths

Favorite I posted on this blog 5 years ago on the topic of KM career paths, and suggested the following model for career progression within KM, at least within a larger organisation. Image from wikimedia commons Knowledge facilitator or Knowledge engineer. Doing the basic jobs of KM, facilitating meetings, conducting

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Shared by Nick Milton February 28, 2019