The 4 types of KM training every organisation needs

Favorite Please find below yesterday’s Knoco newsletter. You can sign up for our newsletters here September 2017  The 4 types of Knowledge Management training  your organisation needs.     In This Issue The 4 types of KM training Awareness training for management Training for the KM team Skills training for people with

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Shared by Nick Milton September 20, 2017

After Action Review as an agent for culture change

Favorite When we talk about Culture Change and Knowledge Management, we need to realise that the Knowledge Management processes themselves are in themselves culture change agents. After Action reviews are a prime example. They promote openness; people will learn that ‘there is no comeback’ and questions will receive answers. They promote

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Shared by Nick Milton September 19, 2017

The role of the Knowledge Manager in an AI world

Favorite How will the development of Artificial Intelligence affect the role of the Knowledge Manager? There  is a lot of discussion on Artificial Intelligence as part of Knowledge Management, and the use of powerful computing to replace the reliance on experts. As discussed here, the expert, in a rule-based scenario, is

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Shared by Nick Milton September 15, 2017

Winston Churchill’s 4-question Knowledge Audit

Favorite Sir Winston Churchill, the famous politician, used a 4-question Knowledge Audit when things went wrong. Image from wikimedia commons Sir Winston Churchill hated being surprised, particularly by bad news.  He expected to receive an efficient flow of information and knowledge, and when he did not get the knowledge, he

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Shared by Nick Milton September 14, 2017

Knowledge Management and Friendship

Favorite Is friendship an enabler of Knowledge Management? Foosball at work, by Al Abut, on Flickr In the western world of work, “Friend” is a bit of an F-word. We hardly ever use the word “F****d” about our work relationships. We call people colleagues, associates, co-workers, but never F****ds. It’s as

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Shared by Nick Milton September 13, 2017

Can you miss bits out from a KM Framework?

Favorite Does a KM Framework need to be complete, or can you miss components out? I’m What’s Missing by crdotx, on Flickr A Knowledge Management Framework consists of four elements: Roles Processes Technology Governance I blogged last week about partial implementations of a Knowledge Management Framework when I asked whether there were circumstances

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Shared by Nick Milton September 12, 2017