Knowledge Management, eliminating the Archaeology from projects.

Favorite A client said to me last week, a propos of Information Architecture, that “up to 40% of Architecture is Archaeology”.  Knowledge Management can help address that 40%. Image from wikimedia commons By the statement “up to 40% of Architecture is Archaeology” he meant that up to 40% of Information

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Shared by Nick Milton February 20, 2017

The role of Asking in Knowledge Management

Favorite Most knowledge sharing in our private lives is driven by Asking. Let’s use this in work as well. Think about the last time you shared knowledge with one of your friends or family. Maybe it was this morning, or yesterday – maybe you shared advice, a tip or hint,

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Shared by Nick Milton February 17, 2017

Why you need to place some demands on the knowledge sharer

Favorite Sharing knowledge is a two-sided process. There is a sharer and a receiver. Be careful that making knowledge easier to share does not make knowledge harder to re-use. Image from wikimedia commons Sharing knowledge is like passing a ball in a game of rugby, American Football or basketball. If

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Shared by Nick Milton February 16, 2017

Quantified KM value story 109 – Navidad Energy

Favorite The best place to find KM value stories is in well-metricated environments, where the effects of learning are easily measured.  Image from wikimedia commons Oil drilling is the ideal environment for seeing KM value. Drilling is very well metricated, and the time between learning something and measuring the results

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Shared by Nick Milton February 15, 2017

Finding an answer in the Long Tail of Knowledge

Favorite When looking for knowledge, let’s not just rely on finding the experts. We know that actually only a small percentage of knowledge in an organisation can be accessed through documents, and that most of it is in the heads of people. We know that if we can “find the

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Shared by Nick Milton February 14, 2017

When does Learning and Development take over from KM?

Favorite Knowledge Management and L&D are both part of the spectrum for Organisational Learning. But where does one take over from the other? This topic has been a point of discussion ever since KM began.  Where does KM end, and Learning and Development take over? We can look at this

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Shared by Nick Milton February 10, 2017

Minimise the change lag in Knowledge Management

Favorite Knowledge Management should not only be effective, but efficient, with minimal change lag. There can be quite a lag between the learning of lessons, and the resulting changes to the organisation, and in that time lag – the change lag – there is potential for many inefficiencies and repeat

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Shared by Nick Milton February 9, 2017

Why hoarding knowledge is bad for you

Favorite People often assume that hoarding knowledge will protect their reputation as a “source of knowledge”, and that if they share what they know, they may no longer be needed.  This is not always the case. Greed by David Goehring on Flickr I spoke with a lady recently, who had

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Shared by Nick Milton February 8, 2017

The Substitution test for learning from mistakes

Favorite When is a mistake an opportunity for an organisation to learn, and when is it just a human error? There is a test for that. Image from Wikimedia commons “Learning from mistakes” is a goal of many lesson learning systems, and with good reason. If an organisation can learn

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Shared by Nick Milton February 7, 2017