7 potential business drivers for Knowledge Management

Favorite As part of our Global Knowledge Management Surveys in 2014 and 2017, we asked our respondents about the business imperatives which drove them to invest in Knowledge Management. This is what they answered. The survey asked about the importance of 7 main business drivers, and these are listed below,

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Shared by Nick Milton September 25, 2019

The two chambers of the KM heart

Favorite The heart of KM keeps knowledge flowing, and that heart has two chambers.  Image from wikipedia You can think of the organisation as a body, and knowledge flowing round the organisation like blood flows round a body.  But what is at the heart of KM? Is it knowledge sharing?

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Shared by Nick Milton September 24, 2019

6 principles of KM communication

Favorite Implementing Knowledge Management is a change process, and change involves communication. Interpersonal communication, by Bovee and Thill, on FlickrUnder CC license Last week we discussed 5 tools to change hearts and minds while introducing Knowledge Management behaviours and culture. One of these tools was Communication, so here are more

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Shared by Nick Milton September 23, 2019

What KM training strategy does an organisation need?

Favorite What KM training will your organisation need as you go through the KM journey? KM training in China Knowledge management Training is part of any KM implementation, but there is no one-size-fits-all KM Training strategy. Instead there are a number of potential training events which will change as your

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Shared by Nick Milton September 18, 2019