How Deloitte revisit and refine their KM strategy

Favorite This video, hosted by, is a talk given by Rosemary Amato, the Deloitte program director for global client intelligence, during KM World 2011 during which she describes how Deloitte keeps its KM strategy current. Deloitte surveys their staff to test how people use knowledge, share knowledge and collaborate. Based on

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Shared by Nick Milton April 16, 2018

KM, GDPR and Chinese walls – how to avoid the problems.

Favorite Many organisations are concerned about the GDPR and internal confidentiality issues associated with making all documents public and searchable. But KM does not have to work like that. Image from wikimedia commons We often come across concerns of internal confidentiality, Chinese Walls, and now GDPR which can make people

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Shared by Nick Milton April 12, 2018

The "Umbrella Week" as a means of sharing lessons.

Favorite The Umbrella week (aka Knowledge Handover) is a face-to-face process for sharing lessons with the rest of the organisation.  Umbrella week image from You can read about a recent Umbrella week here, where Captain Scott Kuhn of the 3rd Armoured Brigade described an event last week. According to

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Shared by Nick Milton April 11, 2018

The "KM ROI" question – problem or opportunity?

Favorite Your manager comes to you and says “I like the idea of Knowledge Management, but you have to give me an ROI figure”. Is this a problem, or an opportunity? At first sight this is a problematic request, as the ROI for KM is notoriously difficult to predict. If

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Shared by Nick Milton April 10, 2018

The most common missing elements from KM frameworks

Favorite When we review client Knowledge Management frameworks, it is often the same two elements that are missiong, or poorly developed. One of the services we offer at Knoco is an assessment and benchmarking of client Knowledge Management Frameworks, to assess for completeness and maturity. We do this in two

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Shared by Nick Milton April 9, 2018

Knowledge documents vs project documents

Favorite We have been having a discussion in Knoco about the differences between project document output, project knowledge output, and knowledge documents. Here is one way to look at the differences. Every project produces documents as a result of the project workstream. However, as we know, the organisation also needs

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Shared by Nick Milton April 6, 2018

What are the five stages of knowledge internalisation?

Favorite Nearly 500 years ago, Archbishop Thomas Cranmer wrote a phrase that neatly encompasses the five stages of Knowledge Internalisation “The Book of Common Prayer” was first written by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer in 1539 before the birth of Shakespeare, and it is a work of literature and poetry as well

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Shared by Nick Milton April 5, 2018

Why your knowledge gets $14 richer every day.

Favorite The knowledge you gain each working day is worth about $14, according to an anslysis of salary increases. Median salaries for engineers vs years of experiencefrom the Engineering Income and Salary Survey 2012 People often say “you can’t value knowledge” In a strict sense, that is probably true, but

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Shared by Nick Milton April 3, 2018