Automating complex deep learning model training using Amazon SageMaker Debugger and AWS Step Functions

Favorite Amazon SageMaker Debugger can monitor ML model parameters, metrics, and computation resources as the model optimization is in progress. You can use it to identify issues during training, gain insights, and take actions like stopping the training or sending notifications through built-in or custom actions. Debugger is particularly useful

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning February 2, 2021

Get ready to roll! AWS DeepRacer pre-season racing is now open

Favorite AWS DeepRacer allows you to get hands on with machine learning (ML) through a fully autonomous 1/18th scale race car driven by reinforcement learning, a 3D racing simulator on the AWS DeepRacer console, a global racing league, and hundreds of customer-initiated community races. Pre-season qualifying underway We’re excited to

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning February 1, 2021

This month in AWS Machine Learning: January edition

Favorite Hello and welcome to our first “This month in AWS Machine Learning” of 2021! Every day there is something new going on in the world of AWS Machine Learning—from launches to new to use cases to interactive trainings. We’re packaging some of the not-to-miss information from the ML Blog

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning February 1, 2021