Amazon SageMaker Object2Vec adds new features that support automatic negative sampling and speed up training

Favorite Today, we introduce four new features of Amazon SageMaker Object2Vec: negative sampling, sparse gradient update, weight-sharing, and comparator operator customization. Amazon SageMaker Object2Vec is a general-purpose neural embedding algorithm. If you’re unfamiliar with Object2Vec, see the blog post Introduction to Amazon SageMaker Object2Vec, which provides a high-level overview of the

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning May 30, 2019

Powering a search engine with Amazon SageMaker

Favorite This is a guest post by Evan Harris, Manager of Machine Learning at Ibotta. In their own words, “Ibotta is transforming the shopping experience by making it easy for consumers to earn cash back on everyday purchases through a single smartphone app. The company partners with leading brands and

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning May 30, 2019