The importance of terminology in KM

Favorite Each organisation has its own culture, and the terms you use in KM need to fit that culture. Culture clash by Pascal on Flickr Every organisation that works with knowledge needs some form of Knowledge Management, but the words they use to describe component elements of KM may be

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Shared by Nick Milton May 4, 2017

Describing and measuring the KM culture

Favorite To manage something, you need to be able to measure it. But measuring culture is a very difficult task. Culture is a key issue in Knowledge Management, but culture itself is hard to define and hard to describe  (my favourite definition of culture is “how we behave when nobody

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Shared by Nick Milton April 3, 2017

Pride as a KM disincentive/incentive

Favorite Pride is an interesting motivator in Knowledge Management. In some cases it acts as a real dis-incentive, but if harnessed well it can be a powerful driver for KM behaviours. Proud Lion from Public Domain Pictures I was reflecting on this recently while running one of our powerful Bird Island

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Shared by Nick Milton March 30, 2017

The "busy trap" in KM

Favorite What do you do when people are too busy to implement time-saving activities such as KM? Picture from Alan O’Rourke, on  Flickr We know that good KM saves time. But how do you make the time to save the time? This was a conversation I was involved in recently

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Shared by Nick Milton March 14, 2017

Why hoarding knowledge is bad for you

Favorite People often assume that hoarding knowledge will protect their reputation as a “source of knowledge”, and that if they share what they know, they may no longer be needed.  This is not always the case. Greed by David Goehring on Flickr I spoke with a lady recently, who had

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Shared by Nick Milton February 8, 2017

Building "Rubber Rooms" for Knowledge Management

Favorite To play safely, sometimes you need a rubber room. The “KM rubber room” is a great analogy I picked up from Emily Timmins, Knowledge Manager at Severn Trent Water.  She has been introducing Peer Assists in her organisation, and the analogy she uses for a “safe space” for knowledge sharing

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Shared by Nick Milton February 1, 2017