Favorite If your contact center is serving calls over the internet, network metrics like packet loss, jitter, and round-trip time are key to understanding call quality. In the post Easily monitor call quality with Amazon Connect, we introduced a solution that captures real-time metrics from the Amazon Connect softphone, stores
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning December 1, 2020
Favorite If KM is a lean supply chain for knowledge, how can you measure the amount of waste in the chain? Shredded waste, image from wikimedia commons I have often used the concept of a knowledge supply chain as a way of describing Knowledge Management; the supply chain being a
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Shared by Nick Milton October 5, 2020
Favorite How do you know KM is failing in your organisation? This was a question raised yesterday at a workshop I ran a few years back at KM World. FAIL by amboo who? on Flickr Assuming you have introduced KM, embedded it into business processes, and the central KM team
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Shared by Nick Milton September 29, 2020
Favorite One the enduring challenges in Knowledge Management is defining effective metrics to measure its value. A promising metric which may fill the gap is the Frequency of Lost Knowledge (FOLK) and it’s partner the Cost of Lost Knowledge (COLK). Image from wikimedia commons In safety management, they talk about
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Shared by Nick Milton September 3, 2020
Favorite How do you measure the performance of your Knowledge Management team? What sort of KPIs should you choose? Image from wikipedia The answer to this question depends on the stage that KM implementation has reached. I suggest some KPIs below, for each of the different stages of KM implementation.
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Shared by Nick Milton January 15, 2020
Favorite Just doing KM well is not enough, you have to do KM at the required speed. Public domain image from Pixnio The world is changing, and organisations need to learn faster than the speed of change if they are to survive. According to Erick Thompson, assistant VP for knowledge
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Shared by Nick Milton December 11, 2019
Favorite This is a reprise and rewrite of a post from 5 years ago about KM change models vs KM maturity models. AKA “why KM change is more like spread of a forest fire than the growth of a tree”. Photo from the US National Parks Service The use of
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Shared by Nick Milton November 25, 2019
Favorite In organisational safety management, they identify a “near miss” as evidence that safety practices need to be improved. We can do the same in knowledge management. Image from safety.af.mil I have often used Safety Management as a useful analogue for KM, and here’s another good crossover idea. In safety
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Shared by Nick Milton November 15, 2019
Favorite A recent article by Steve Denning throws light on the only KM metric that counts; Impact. Image from wikimedia commons The article in Forbes, entitled “Why Agile Often Fails: No Agreed Metrics”, discusses the metrics systems used at Amazon, and compares them with those used when Denning was CKO
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Shared by Nick Milton August 6, 2019
Favorite The Supply Chain analogy for KM suggests several metrics we can use. I have often used the analogy of the supply chain as one way of thinking about KM. This involves looking at KM as a chain of processes supplying knowledge to the user. This analogy has the benefit of
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Shared by Nick Milton August 13, 2018