Favorite Your knowledge store should support people who browse as well as people who search. It should be like a shopper-friendly supermarket. Image from wikimedia commons Some shoppers know exactly what they want. They walk into the relevant store, ask an assistant where to find the item, and buy it.
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Shared by Nick Milton January 14, 2021
Favorite Internal company search seldom works as well as Google, because so few people optimise the findability of their content. Image from Wikimedia commons People often cite Google as the gold-standard in search, but partly Google works so well because of the prevalence of search-engine optimisation in the World Wide
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Shared by Nick Milton December 8, 2020
Favorite How do graduates search for knowledge, and what this means for KM. Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay Here (summarised here and slides here) is a really interesting study about the difference between the strategies that new-hires use when seeking for information and knowledge, and the strategies their employers expect
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Shared by Nick Milton October 2, 2020
Favorite If you want people to find your needle, don’t put it in a haystack. And if you want people to reuse your knowledge, but it somewhere where it can easily be found. One of the companies we work with collects knowledge as “case studies”. Currently there are over 20,000
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Shared by Nick Milton March 25, 2020
Favorite A large proportion of your organisational knowledge is never written down, and is often too complex or too contextual to transfer in written form anyway. If you need to find this knowledge, you need find the person. But how? This picture by unknown artist is licensed under CC BY_SA
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Shared by Nick Milton October 21, 2019
Favorite All the time we hear managers saying “we want a search engine as good as Google”. Here are 5 reasons why you can never even get close. Image from wikimedia commons Google is the yardstick for search, and managers seem to want internal enterprise search that works as well
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Shared by Nick Milton December 14, 2018
Favorite Should you optimise your knowledge base for search or for browse? Answer to an online question. I received the comment below on my blog post on “Knowledge documents vs project documents“. “I found this a helpful blog. I am working on the implementation of a matter management system within
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Shared by Nick Milton May 15, 2018
Favorite Last week I described a “Pull cycle” for knowledge – let’s now look at the feedback loops in that cycle. You can find description of the cycle here. This is a cycle based on knowledge demand (unlike the supply-side cycles you normally see) and includes the following steps; The
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Shared by Nick Milton February 7, 2018
Favorite There are three models for a knowledge base – which one is most like yours? Your online Knowledge base is where you store your documented knowledge, It is a repository – but more than that, it is a knowledge resource for others. Someone looking for documented knowledge comes to the knowledge
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Shared by Nick Milton October 27, 2017