Connect and Collect – the two parallel pathways in KM

Favorite I mentioned Connect and Collect in yesterday’s blog as being two routes for knowledge flow, so I thought I would expand on these two in today’s post. One of the earliest models in the history of Knowledge Management, and one that sometimes seems to get forgotten, is that there

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Shared by Nick Milton September 14, 2018

Why so many simple KM loop diagrams are wrong

Favorite Here is another post from the archives, this one on the problem with so many simple KM loop cycles. I have lost count of the number of Knowledge Management lectures, strategies, introductions and other material I have seen, which somewhere along the line have presented a single loop model

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Shared by Nick Milton September 13, 2018

Why self-assessment of KM maturity often fails

Favorite KM self-assessment often gives false results, as people frequently don’t know what “good” looks like. knowledge management assessments for clients, we often run into something we call “overconfidence through ignorance”, where someone will rank themselves good at something when they are really very poor, just because they have no

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Shared by Nick Milton September 12, 2018

Analysing questions in a community of practice

Favorite An analysis of searches and queries can tell you a lot about the knowledge topics which are of the greatest value in your organisation. Analysing patterns of searches helps you to identify the emergent knowledge topics, the knowledge gaps, and the “hot potatoes” in your organisation, your community, or

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Shared by Nick Milton September 11, 2018

Announcement – webinar on the new KM Standard

Favorite Please note that the British Standards institute is holding an open webinar on October 8th to launch the new ISO KM standard. I am co-hosting the webinar, together with Ron Young and Judy Payne. We will cover Why an international, principles-led, KM standard was needed  The new standard’s requirements 

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Shared by Nick Milton September 10, 2018

2 types of knowing – awareness and acquaintance

Favorite Acquaintance requires experience, but KM can accelerate the gaining of experience Image from Internet Archive on Flickr If someone asked you “do you know Nick Milton”, what would you answer? You might say “I know the name”, or you might say “I have read his blog”, but the chances

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Shared by Nick Milton September 10, 2018

Applying a "just culture" to learning from mistakes

Favorite The “just culture” is a midpoint between a Blame culture, and a culture of hiding failures. But how does it work? Any organisation that aspires to learn, and to gather knowledge, must be able to learn from mistakes and failures. However this is a difficult thing to do, especially

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Shared by Nick Milton August 30, 2018

A model for KM technology selection

Favorite An example from Schlumberger shows us how selecting KM technology should be done. image from wikimedia commons At the KMUK conference a few years ago, Alan Boulter introduced us to the Schlumberger approach to selecting Knowledge Management technology. This is a very straightforward contracts to the common “gadget-store pick

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Shared by Nick Milton August 29, 2018

Safety management as an analogue for Knowledge Management

Favorite Can Safety Management be a good analogue for KM? In many ways, Safety Management is a good analogue to Knowledge management. Vintage safety poster from public domain images Both are management systems for dealing with intangibles. Both are leaps in thinking from treating safety/knowledge as something personal, to treating

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Shared by Nick Milton August 28, 2018

How to "sell" the topic of KM (video)

Favorite Here is a recording I gave of a talk to ISKO in Singapore, on the topic of “Selling KM” Courtesy of Patrick Lambe ISKO SG Nick Milton How to Sell Knowledge Management from Patrick Lambe on Vimeo. View Original Source ( Here.