Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock now supports advanced parsing, chunking, and query reformulation giving greater control of accuracy in RAG based applications

Favorite Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that helps you implement the entire Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) workflow from ingestion to retrieval and prompt augmentation without having to build custom integrations to data sources and manage data flows, pushing the boundaries for what you can do

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning July 11, 2024

Create custom images for geospatial analysis with Amazon SageMaker Distribution in Amazon SageMaker Studio

Favorite Amazon SageMaker Studio provides a comprehensive suite of fully managed integrated development environments (IDEs) for machine learning (ML), including JupyterLab, Code Editor (based on Code-OSS), and RStudio. It supports all stages of ML development—from data preparation to deployment, and allows you to launch a preconfigured JupyterLab IDE for efficient

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning July 11, 2024

How BRIA AI used distributed training in Amazon SageMaker to train latent diffusion foundation models for commercial use

Favorite This post is co-written with Bar Fingerman from BRIA AI. This post explains how BRIA AI trained BRIA AI 2.0, a high-resolution (1024×1024) text-to-image diffusion model, on a dataset comprising petabytes of licensed images quickly and economically. Amazon SageMaker training jobs and Amazon SageMaker distributed training libraries took on the

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning July 11, 2024