Why asking for knowledge contributions is so important.

Favorite One of David Snowden’s principles is that “Knowledge can’t be conscripted, it can only be volunteered”. However waiting passively for voluntary contributions is the wrong way to spread knowledge. Ask for volunteers instead. I Know The Answer!Originally uploaded by ngader Knowledge can’t be conscripted, it can only be volunteered,

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Shared by Nick Milton March 2, 2022

Train 175+ billion parameter NLP models with model parallel additions and Hugging Face on Amazon SageMaker

Favorite The last few years have seen rapid development in the field of natural language processing (NLP). While hardware has improved, such as with the latest generation of accelerators from NVIDIA and Amazon, advanced machine learning (ML) practitioners still regularly run into issues scaling their large language models across multiple

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning March 2, 2022

Announcing the AWS DeepRacer League 2022

Favorite Unleash the power of machine learning (ML) through hands-on learning and compete for prizes and glory. The AWS DeepRacer League is the world’s first global autonomous racing competition driven by reinforcement learning; bringing together students, professionals, and enthusiasts from almost every continent. I’m Tomasz Ptak, a senior software engineer

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning March 2, 2022