9 influencing tactics to use when promoting KM

Favorite The Farnham Street blog (reporting on the book Mind Gym) describes nine tactics you can use to influence others, while making the point that ““it is essential that you understand the other person’s reasons so you can use tactics that will work to persuade them, as opposed to tactics that

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Shared by Nick Milton February 27, 2020

The fantastic example knowledge resource that is Radiopaedia

Favorite This reprised blog post is a reminder of that amazing example of free and open knowledge sharing that is Radiopaedia X-ray published in ABC news, taken from Radiopaedia  As described in this fascinating article,   Radiopaedia is an online wiki where Radiologists all over the globe share online X-rays that are interesting, unusual, or demonstrate

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Shared by Nick Milton February 26, 2020

The new tool helping Asian newsrooms detect fake images

Favorite Journalists and fact-checkers face huge challenges in sorting accurate information from fast-spreading misinformation. But it’s not just about the words we read. Viral images and memes flood our feeds and chats, and often they’re out-of-context or fake. In Asia, where there are eight times more social media users than

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Shared by Google AI Technology February 25, 2020

Whose knowledge is it anyway?

Favorite Who owns the knowledge in your head; you, or the company you work for? Image by Frits Ahlefeldt on Wikimedia Commons Instinctively most of us assume that we own the knowledge in our heads. It’s our head, so it’s our knowledge.  A 2012 LinkedIn poll tested this question, providing

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Shared by Nick Milton February 24, 2020

The 4 legs on the KM table – comparison of Google vs ISO

Favorite A recurrent theme on this blog is to address “the 4 legs on the Knowledge Management table” – the four enabling elements of the Knowledge Management Framework (and indeed of any management framework) – roles, processes, technology and governance. Two days ago I published a quick exercise, looking at

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Shared by Nick Milton February 21, 2020

Automating your Amazon Forecast workflow with Lambda, Step Functions, and CloudWatch Events rule

Favorite Amazon Forecast is a fully managed service that uses machine learning (ML) to generate highly accurate forecasts without requiring any prior ML experience. Forecast is applicable in a wide variety of use cases, including estimating product demand, energy demand, workforce planning, computing cloud infrastructure usage, traffic demand, supply chain

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning February 20, 2020

Product Life-cycle Knowledge Management

Favorite Product life-cycle management (PLM) is a well-established discipline. To support this, we are going to need Product life-cycle knowledge management.  Image from wikimedia commons In industry, product lifecycle management is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product from inception, through engineering design and manufacture, to service

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Shared by Nick Milton February 20, 2020

Winners of AWS Machine Learning Research Awards announced

Favorite The AWS Machine Learning Research Awards (MLRA) provides unrestricted cash funds and AWS Promotional Credits to academics to advance the frontiers of machine learning (ML) and its applications. MLRA is pleased to announce winners for its 2019 Q2/Q3 call-for-proposal cycles: Mohit Bansal, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Auto-Adversarial

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning February 19, 2020

Are the legs on the KM table getting less wobbly?

Favorite A recurrent theme on this blog is to address “the 4 legs on the Knowledge Management table” – the four enabling elements of the Knowledge Management Framework (and indeed of any management framework) – roles, processes, technology and governance. In a 2015 blog post entitled “the wobbliest legs on

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Shared by Nick Milton February 19, 2020