5 design principles for a KM platform – lessons from IDEO

Favorite IDEO based their KM platform around 5 design principles. Here they are. Image from wikimedia commons Here is a fascinating article by Doug Solomon, entitled “The Tube: IDEO Builds a Collaboration System That Inspires through Passion.” It describes how IDEO, the famous design and innovation agency, built themselves a

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Shared by Nick Milton March 6, 2020

How to remove waste from Knowledge Management

Favorite This updated reprise from the archives uses the Lean Supply Chain as an analogy for KM, and suggests ways in which we can remove waste from Knowledge Management. There is a lot of value on using metaphors as different ways to look at KM, this blog has frequently used

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Shared by Nick Milton March 5, 2020

KM and Hansei, where "no problem" becomes a problem

Favorite Effective learning within an organisation requires consistent and rigorous self-analysis, in order to pick up learning points and points of improvement. In Japan, this process is known as Hansei. Hansei, by Jim O’Neil, on Flickr Although alien to many in the west, Hansei is an important part of the

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Shared by Nick Milton March 4, 2020

10 principles for KM in product development

Favorite KM in product development has its own set of principles. Here they are. The Exploratory Product Development Resolution Loopby Petepetey via Wikimedia Commons Kennedy, Harmon and Minnock’s excellent book “Ready, Set , Dominate” takes a knowledge-centred view of product development, inspired by practices of Toyota Motor Company and refined

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Shared by Nick Milton March 3, 2020

How to select a methodology for a CoP event

Favorite You want to plan a face to face event for your Community of Practice in order to transfer knowledge, but which event style do you select? This is a discussion I have been having recently, and it struck me that this might be a useful blog post. Now there

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Shared by Nick Milton March 2, 2020

How to select a methodology for a CoP event

Favorite You want to plan a face to face event for your Community of Practice in order to transfer knowledge, but which event style do you select? This is a discussion I have been having recently, and it struck me that this might be a useful blog post. Now there

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Shared by Nick Milton March 2, 2020

Using DeepChem with Amazon SageMaker for virtual screening

Favorite Virtual screening is a computational methodology used in drug or materials discovery by searching a vast amount of molecules libraries to identify the structures that are most likely to show the target characteristics. It is becoming a ground-breaking tool for molecular discovery due to the exponential growth of available

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning February 28, 2020

The two accountabilities in effective knowledge transfer

Favorite Transferring knowledge is like passing a ball – both the thrower and the catcher share accountability for an effective pass. Imagine an experienced practitioner transferring knowledge to a younger colleague or group of colleagues. Who is accountable for ensuring effective knowledge transfer? The answer is that the accountability is

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Shared by Nick Milton February 28, 2020

Optimizing application performance with Amazon CodeGuru Profiler

Favorite Amazon CodeGuru (Preview) is a service launched at AWS re:Invent 2019 that analyzes the performance characteristics of your application and provides automatic recommendations on ways to improve. It does this by profiling your application’s runtime (with CodeGuru Profiler) and by automatically reviewing source code changes (with CodeGuru Reviewer). For

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning February 27, 2020