A new way to differentiate Industry approaches to KM?

Favorite If you are interested in how different industries approach KM, here is a new way to differentiate them.  Different industries tend to approach KM in different ways, or apply KM in “different flavours.”  In September I posted a ternary plot, where different industries were plotted on their relative focus

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Shared by Nick Milton December 2, 2019

The 6 stages through which a knowledge topic matures

Favorite Business in a world of change is a learning race. The winner is the organisation that can develop and mature knowledge more quickly than the competition, bringing new and improved products and processes into the market first, and so gaining First Learner Advantage. Therefore one way of viewing Knowledge

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Shared by Nick Milton November 29, 2019

Why you should never leave your lessons in the project report

Favorite Probably the worst place to store project lessons is to leave them in the End of Project Report. Tombstone created using http://tombgen.appspot.com/ I know this is still the default approach for many project organisations, and 19% organisations who run KM programs still use this approach (according to our KM survey).

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Shared by Nick Milton November 27, 2019

Automating financial decision making with deep reinforcement learning

Favorite Machine learning (ML) is routinely used in every sector to make predictions. But beyond simple predictions, making decisions is more complicated because non-optimal short-term decisions are sometimes preferred or even necessary to enable long-term, strategic goals. Optimizing policies to make sequential decisions toward a long-term objective can be learned

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning November 26, 2019

The 3 types of knowledge output from a project

Favorite All projects deliver not just a product, but knowledge as well, and there needs to be a clear understanding of what form that knowledge will take.  Part of any Knowledge Management policy therefore has to be a definition of the expected  knowledge output from project work.  This knowledge output

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Shared by Nick Milton November 26, 2019