Creating neural time series models with Gluon Time Series

Favorite We are excited to announce the open source release of Gluon Time Series (GluonTS), a Python toolkit developed by Amazon scientists for building, evaluating, and comparing deep learning–based time series models. GluonTS is based on the Gluon interface to Apache MXNet and provides components that make building time series

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 3, 2019

Amazon Polly adds Arabic language support

Favorite On April 17th, 2019 Amazon Polly launched an Arabic female text-to-speech (TTS) voice called Zeina. This voice is clear and natural-sounding. The voice masters tongue twisters, and it can whisper, just like all other Amazon Polly products. Let’s hear Zeina introduce herself: Listen now Voiced by Amazon Polly Hello, my

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning May 30, 2019