Favorite The AWS Machine Learning Research Awards (MLRA) aims to advance machine learning (ML) by funding innovative research and open-source projects, training students, and providing researchers with access to the latest technology. Since 2017, MLRA has supported over 180 research projects from 73 schools and research institutes in 13 countries,
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning July 2, 2020
Favorite On the topic of incentives for Knowledge Management, there are some interesting observations in this article from HR magazine in 2004 The article is a high level overview of KM, which although warning that KM is not about technology, still talks mostly about technology solutions (and which immediately equates knowledge
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Shared by Nick Milton July 2, 2020
Favorite Organizations across industries have a large number of physical documents such as invoices that they need to process. It is difficult to extract information from a scanned document when it contains tables, forms, paragraphs, and check boxes. Organization have been addressing these problems with manual effort or custom code
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning July 1, 2020
Favorite Here is a very interesting article from G2 about how they finally made knowledge sharing work, after failing twice. The article, by Deirdre O’Donoghue, is a very interesting read. They tried to introduce structured knowledge sharing three times, and only succeeded at the third attempt. What was different about
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Shared by Nick Milton July 1, 2020
Favorite Sometimes it’s hard to find the right words to describe what you’re looking for. As the adage goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Often, it’s easier to show a physical example or image than to try to describe an item with words, especially when using a search
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 30, 2020
Favorite This is a guest post from Euler Hermes. In their own words, “For over 100 years, Euler Hermes, the world leader in credit insurance, has accompanied its clients to provide simpler and safer digital products, thus becoming a key catalyzer in the world’s commerce.” Euler Hermes manages more than
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 30, 2020
Favorite The question of whether innovation or copying is a more effective social learning strategy was tested a few years ago in an online tournament. The result may surprise you. Day 187Originally uploaded by pasukaru76 Over a decade ago, the European Commission sponsored a research project called Cultaptation, to study
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Shared by Nick Milton June 30, 2020
Favorite XGBoost is a popular and efficient machine learning (ML) algorithm for regression and classification tasks on tabular datasets. It implements a technique known as gradient boosting on trees and performs remarkably well in ML competitions. Since its launch, Amazon SageMaker has supported XGBoost as a built-in managed algorithm. For
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 29, 2020
Favorite The more time I spend in the field of KM, the more I see certain brands of flavours of the field which share a common name (knowledge management) and common principles, but can use very different roles, processes and supporting technologies. Image from wikipedia Below are the main flavours
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Shared by Nick Milton June 29, 2020
Favorite Named entity recognition (NER) involves sifting through text data to locate noun phrases called named entities and categorizing each with a label, such as person, organization, or brand. For example, in the statement “I recently subscribed to Amazon Prime,” Amazon Prime is the named entity and can be categorized
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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 27, 2020