Favorite Here are some more results from our 2014 and 2017 Global Survey of Knowledge management; a plot of KM Technology usage and value. We asked the survey participants to rate a range of different types of technology by the value they have added to their KM program, giving them
Favorite Thanks to cloud services such as Amazon SageMaker and AWS Data Exchange, machine learning (ML) is now easier than ever. This post explains how to build a model that predicts restaurant grades of NYC restaurants using AWS Data Exchange and Amazon SageMaker. We use a dataset of 23,372 restaurant
Favorite Thanks to cloud services such as Amazon SageMaker and AWS Data Exchange, machine learning (ML) is now easier than ever. This post explains how to build a model that predicts restaurant grades of NYC restaurants using AWS Data Exchange and Amazon SageMaker. We use a dataset of 23,372 restaurant
Favorite Say what you like about the ISO KM standard; at least it encourages you to address KM in the correct order! There are many approaches adopted for introducing KM, and not all of them work well. For example the historically common approach of “Technology Push” – where an organisation
Favorite There’s nothing magic about Knowledge management; it’s just a management discipline, like so many others. I would suggest that Knowledge Management is one management discipline among many. It represents a way of managing work, paying due attention to the value and effect of an intangible asset (namely, knowledge). It
Favorite Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning (ML) to find insights and relationships in texts. Amazon Comprehend identifies the language of the text; extracts key phrases, places, people, brands, or events; and understands how positive or negative the text is. For more information
Favorite As a product owner for a conversational interface, understanding and improving the user experience without the corresponding visibility or telemetry can feel like driving a car blindfolded. It is important to understand how users are interacting with your bot so that you can continuously improve the bot based on
Favorite This blog is taking an end-year break. Happy Holidays to all my readers; normal service will be resumed in January. View Original Source (nickmilton.com) Here.
Favorite Amazon Textract automatically extracts text and data from scanned documents, and goes beyond simple optical character recognition (OCR) to also identify the contents of fields and information in tables, without templates, configuration, or machine learning experience required. Customers such as Intuit, PitchBook, Change Healthcare, Alfresco, and more are already
Favorite Knowledge has to lead to action in order to add value. call to action by Sean MacEntee on Flickr As the blogger Bill Wilson says (in the context of root cause analysis) “Learning without action is mere mental trickery, while action without learning is simply useless physical exercise”. If knowledge management is