Can you do KM where you can’t measure performance?

Favorite If you are in a line of work where you can’t measure performance, then you are going to find it difficult to introduce effective Knowledge Management. Knowledge Management is a systematic approach to organisational learning; but learning to do what? Learning to perform, is the answer. Learning to perform

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Shared by Nick Milton June 12, 2019

Why buying more technology will not solve your KM issues

Favorite Technology is not the main issue in Knowledge Management today, according to available data. Results from the free Knoco online survey Here in Knoco we have been taking the pulse of Knowledge Management for many years, through a number of mechanisms, one of which is a free online survey, available

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Shared by Nick Milton June 11, 2019

How solving little problems can alert us to big ones

Favorite Or conversely, how ignoring little problems might lead to big ones. I read an interesting article a while ago, by Matthew Parris in the Times (subscription only, I am afraid). Matthew based his article on the observation that a squeaking door at Derby railway station has remained unfixed for

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Shared by Nick Milton June 10, 2019

Turning unstructured text into insights with Bewgle powered by AWS

Favorite Bewgle is an SAP.iO, Techstars-funded company that uses AWS services to surface insights from user-generated text and audio streams. Bewgle generates insights to help product managers to increase customer satisfaction and engagement with their various products—beauty, electronics, or anything in between.  By listening to the voices of their customers

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 6, 2019

A study of KM failure from HK/China

Favorite If we want to succeed in Knowledge management, we need to learn from both successes and from failures.  Murray Jennex’s 2005 book Case Studies in Knowledge Management contains an instructive failure study by Chan and Chau, from a Hong Kong-based enterprise with a production plant in mainland China. The company decided

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Shared by Nick Milton June 5, 2019