Favorite Collaboration is not always helpsful, and there are cases where it actually reduces your chance of success. The ideas in this blog post are from a very interesting paper by Martine Haas and Morten Hansen, who look at success data from bid teams to find out when collaboration actually helps
Favorite Four elements make up Knowledge Management Governance. Expectations, metrics, rewards and support. Governance in the cloud, by Blue Coat Photos, on Flickr Governance is often the missing element in Knowledge Management, and although it is one of the four legs on the KM table, it is the one that
Favorite Here is another example KM role description – this time for a Knowledge Managment Officer at the International Atomic Energy Authority. This is a pretty high level governance role for KM, and it is described here as follows: Main purpose The Knowledge Management Officer’s main purpose is to provide
Favorite What would it be like if organisations treated money the way they treat knowledge? Hands counting $100 bills, by Hloom Templates on Flickr This is a simple thought experiment, which you can use with your senior managers to get them to think differently about knowledge. We know knowledge is
Favorite Here is a nice graph from our global KM surveys that shows how KM maturity progresses. This graph is a combination of two questions, and we have combined answers from both the 2014 and 2017 surveys, so over 570 answers are included in the graph. The first question was:
Favorite NASA found out the hard way that just collecting lessons into a database is not enough. Image from wikimdia commons 5 years ago, NASA conducted an audit of lesson-learning. At the time, NASA spent 750,000 annually on their lessons learning approach, centred around a tool called LLIS (The Lessons Learned
Favorite Community of practice members may start by being learners and end up being teachers who still learn. Let’s look at patterns of behaviour in a Community of Practice forum, or discussion area. When a novice employee is very new to an organisation or to a topic, they are usually
Favorite The demographics of your organisation determine the distribution of knowledge, and therefore the Knowledge Management Framework Here’s another factor that can affect the way you address KM in an organisation; the demographics of the workforce. Because the demographics are is linked to the distribution of knowledge across the staff,
Favorite How active should a community of practice be? Photo from maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com Healthy communities of practice are busy communities of practice, but what sort of activity levels should you aim at? It depends on the type of community, of course, and the excellent publication from the National College for School Leadership “100,000 heads are
Favorite Here is a neat and concise set of KM Principles from the US Army. These KM principles for the US Army Traning and Doctrine command are taken from the website for the TRADOC Chief Knowledge Office. There are many KM principles here that could apply to any organisation. People