Closing data gaps with Lacuna Fund

Favorite Machine learning has shown enormous promise for social good, whether in helping respond to global health pandemics or reach citizens before natural disasters hit. But even as machine learning technology becomes increasingly accessible, social innovators still face significant barriers in their efforts to use this technology to unlock new

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Shared by Google AI Technology July 23, 2020

Using AI to identify the aggressiveness of prostate cancer

Favorite Prostate cancer diagnoses are common, with 1 in 9 men developing prostate cancer in their lifetime. A cancer diagnosis relies on specialized doctors, called pathologists, looking at biological tissue samples under the microscope for signs of abnormality in the cells. The difficulty and subjectivity of pathology diagnoses led us

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Shared by Google AI Technology July 23, 2020

30 years of family videos in an AI archive

Favorite My dad got his first video camera the day I was born nearly three decades ago. “Say hello to the camera!” are the first words he caught on tape, as he pointed it at a red, puffy baby (me) in a hospital bassinet. The clips got more embarrassing from

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Shared by Google AI Technology July 14, 2020

Tools for language access during COVID-19

Favorite Translation services make it easier to communicate with someone who doesn’t speak the same language, whether you’re traveling abroad or living in a new country. But in the context of a global pandemic, government and health officials urgently need to deliver vital information to their communities, and every member

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Shared by Google AI Technology July 10, 2020

An update on our work on AI and responsible innovation

Favorite AI is a powerful tool that will have a significant impact on society for many years to come, from improving sustainability around the globe to advancing the accuracy of disease screenings. As a leader in AI, we’ve always prioritized the importance of understanding its societal implications and developing it

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Shared by Google AI Technology July 9, 2020

Responding to the European Commission’s AI white paper

Favorite In January, our CEO Sundar Pichai visited Brussels to talk about artificial intelligence and how Google could help people and businesses succeed in the digital age through partnership. Much has changed since then due to COVID-19, but one thing hasn’t—our commitment to the potential of partnership with Europe on

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Shared by Google AI Technology May 28, 2020

How AI could predict sight-threatening eye conditions

Favorite Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the biggest cause of sight loss in the UK and USA and is the third largest cause of blindness across the globe. The latest research collaboration between Google Health, DeepMind and Moorfields Eye Hospital is published in Nature Medicine today. It shows that artificial intelligence

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Shared by Google AI Technology May 18, 2020