Knowledge suppliers and users

Favorite We often get hung up on treating knowledge as if it were impersonal pieces of content; instead let’s look at it as an interaction between supplier and user. Image from wikimedia commons All knowledge, if we think in terms of “Know-how” originates from people, and is re-used by people.

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Shared by Nick Milton September 18, 2018

Why don’t good practices spread better?

Favorite Sharing is no guarantee of uptake. Sometimes better practices and innovations take a long time, and require a lot of support, to take hold. Here is a very interesting article from the New Yorker, by Atul Gwande, about why some ideas or best practices catch on and spread, while

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Shared by Nick Milton August 15, 2018

How big is your "knowledge footprint"?

Favorite How far does your knowledge spread in your organisation? Image from wikimedia commons We are used to the idea of the Carbon Footprint – the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of your activities – but what about your Knowledge Footprint? This is the

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Shared by Nick Milton July 20, 2018

Optimise for speed in KM, not production quality

Favorite KM should focus primarily on getting knowledge out quickly, and worry about production quality later S is for Speed, by Ansgar Koreng on Flickr Here is an interesting article from the customer-service wing of KM, entitled “5 ways to use team knowledge to do better work”. The one that

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Shared by Nick Milton July 5, 2018

The "Umbrella Week" as a means of sharing lessons.

Favorite The Umbrella week (aka Knowledge Handover) is a face-to-face process for sharing lessons with the rest of the organisation.  Umbrella week image from You can read about a recent Umbrella week here, where Captain Scott Kuhn of the 3rd Armoured Brigade described an event last week. According to

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Shared by Nick Milton April 11, 2018

Why "knowledge sharing" cannot replace "knowledge management"

Favorite Can we use the term “knowledge sharing” as better replacement for the term “Knowledge Management? There are two good reasons not to do so. image from Wikimedia Commons The terminology debate continues to rumble on in the KM world, with many people preferring the term “knowledge sharing” over the

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Shared by Nick Milton January 26, 2018

Meetings about What, meetings about How

Favorite Not every meeting or every conversation involves sharing knowledge! Image from Wikimedia commons Very often, when we are conducting our knowledge management assessment or benchmarking exercises, or designing KM frameworks for clients, we come across a confusion. This confusion is again a linguistic confusion about knowledge. We might ask

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Shared by Nick Milton August 14, 2017

Why you need to place some demands on the knowledge sharer

Favorite Sharing knowledge is a two-sided process. There is a sharer and a receiver. Be careful that making knowledge easier to share does not make knowledge harder to re-use. Image from wikimedia commons Sharing knowledge is like passing a ball in a game of rugby, American Football or basketball. If

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Shared by Nick Milton February 16, 2017