Balancing long term and short term benefits in KM

Favorite The short-term/long-term balance is critical in KM. The business of KM is long term culture and behaviour change, but the company will have no patience for the long term, if you do not deliver benefits in the short term.  The balance between short term and long term is tied

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Shared by Nick Milton June 9, 2020

Quantified KM value case studies numbers 130 through 139

Favorite In the embedded video below you can find 10 case studes which illustrate the value delivered by health librarians, who are a main component in the KM systems used in the UK National Health Service. The video is entitled “Health Librarians and Knowledge Specialists Impact Case Study Vignettes” and

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Shared by Nick Milton June 8, 2020

Coding with R on Amazon SageMaker notebook instances

Favorite Many AWS customers already use the popular open-source statistical computing and graphics software environment R for big data analytics and data science. Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service that lets you build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models quickly. Amazon SageMaker removes the heavy lifting from each

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 6, 2020

Managing missing values in your target and related datasets with automated imputation support in Amazon Forecast

Favorite Amazon Forecast is a fully managed service that uses machine learning (ML) to generate highly accurate forecasts without requiring any prior ML experience. Forecast is applicable in a wide variety of use cases, including estimating product demand, supply chain optimization, resource planning, energy demand forecasting, and computing cloud infrastructure

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 5, 2020

How to apply Knowledge Management to Mergers and Acquisitions

Favorite Knowledge management delivers maximum value when applied to high value knowledge, to support high value decisions, and in areas where that knowledge is otherwise at risk of being lost. A typical high value area where major decisions will be made is Mergers and Acquisitions.  Image from wikimedia commons,Merger of

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Shared by Nick Milton June 5, 2020

Multi-GPU distributed deep learning training at scale with Ubuntu18 DLAMI, EFA on P3dn instances, and Amazon FSx for Lustre

Favorite AWS Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu 18.04) is optimized for deep learning on EC2 Accelerated Computing Instance types, allowing you to scale out to multiple nodes for distributed workloads more efficiently and easily. It has a prebuilt Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), Nvidia GPU stack, and many deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow,

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning June 4, 2020

How to learn like an ant

Favorite Social and organisational learning is so easy that even ants can do it, and we can learn from the principles they apply. Leafcutter ant trail by Jasper Nance on flickr If you look at an ant trail from the nest to a source of food, it is pretty direct. The

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Shared by Nick Milton June 4, 2020