How knowledge management can support a knowledge economy

Favorite It seems every country around the world wants to be a Knowledge Economy. Yet why do so few of them seem to want to invest in Knowledge Management? A knowledge economy is one where  knowledge resources such as know-how and expertise are as critical as other economic resources. It

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Shared by Nick Milton October 4, 2019

KM for start-ups

Favorite If a start-up is successful, it needs to think about Knowledge Management from the beginning – not because KM is important at the beginning, but because without KM it could really struggle to scale up. At the beginning of its life, a start-up company is built on the insight,

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Shared by Nick Milton October 3, 2019

10 signs your KM strategy is in trouble

Favorite In a post from 2009 (no longer available) Lucas McDonnell provided 6 signs that your Knowledge Management strategy could be in trouble. I have added 4 more. Image from wikimedia commons Lucas’ 6 signs are as follows, with my comments in brackets, and then I add a few more trouble signs

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Shared by Nick Milton October 2, 2019

More on learning from success and failure

Favorite Here is a useful boston square on learning from success and failure I blogged earlier this month about “Win or lose, you should always learn“.  However the learning strategy you employ depends very much on whether you are in a fail-safe environment or whether (as in the Apollo 13

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Shared by Nick Milton October 1, 2019

Using Amazon Polly in Windows Applications

Favorite AWS offers a vast array of services that allow developers to build applications in the cloud. At the same time, Windows desktop applications can take advantage of these services as well. Today, we are releasing Amazon Polly for Windows, an open-source engine that allows users to take advantage of

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning September 27, 2019

What is the limit to KM’s value delivery?

Favorite Why is knowledge management not infinitely valuable?  It’s because the value it delivers cannot exceed the “Cost of not-knowing” See text for explanation I was asked a question a few years back by someone challenging stories of KM value. “If Shell could deliver $200m per year through KM” he asked

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Shared by Nick Milton September 27, 2019

The moment KM was born – a story

Favorite This is a reprise from the archives – a story of when KM was launched at British Petroleum through an early meeting of supporters and enthusiasts. It’s an extract from my book Performance Through Learning (available here), telling of a key moment in the history of the BP KM

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Shared by Nick Milton September 26, 2019