Where are the non-US/UK/Aus thought leaders in KM?

Favorite Lists of KM thought leaders historically tend to be USA-dominated. Who have we missed from the rest of the world? I published a blog post 5 years ago entitled “KM thought leaders – are they REALLY all from the USA“? In this post I looked at Stan Garfield’s list

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Shared by Nick Milton September 17, 2019

How to recruit the experts in support of KM

Favorite The Experts can sometimes be resistant to KM, seeing it as a threat or a burden, with little personal reward. How can we address this? Image from wikimedia commons Many clients we speak to are having real problems recruiting the expert knowledge holders to the concept of Knowledge Management. Even

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Shared by Nick Milton September 13, 2019

Win or lose, you should always learn

Favorite People often make a big thing about learning from failure, but learning from success is just as important, and can often be overlooked. Crossroads by Chris Potter on Flickr and stockmonkeys.com The impetus to revisit this topic came from a one-liner post on LinkedIn by Oleg Vishnepolsky reading “Sometimes I

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Shared by Nick Milton September 11, 2019

What is the nature of Knowledge Management?

Favorite Is KM a Science? Is KM a Philosophy? No – it’s a Management Discipline. And here is why that is a useful viewpoint. I have met many people over the years who treat Knowledge Management as something entirely unique – a philosophy, almost, or a “world-view”. For these people,

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Shared by Nick Milton September 10, 2019

Watch confirmation bias in action

Favorite Confirmation Bias is one of the most pernicious cognitive biases, and is a major challenge to Knowledge Management. See it in action below. Confirmation bias is a powerful cognitive bias, which means that people Tend to select evidence that supports what they already believe, and   Set up tests that

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Shared by Nick Milton September 9, 2019