What measurable benefits can you get from Knowledge Management?

Favorite What are the business metrics where Knowledge Management has delivered value? This is one of the questions we addressed in our recent survey of Knowledge Management, and the results are very interesting.  527 of our respondents (Knowledge Managers from a wide range of industries, company sizes and geographies) answered

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Shared by Nick Milton March 24, 2020

Investigating performance issues with Amazon CodeGuru Profiler

Favorite Amazon CodeGuru (Preview) analyzes your application’s performance characteristics and provides automatic recommendations on how to improve it. Amazon CodeGuru Profiler provides interactive visualizations to show you where your application spends its time. These flame graphs are a powerful tool to help you troubleshoot which code methods are causing delays

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Shared by AWS Machine Learning March 23, 2020

Personal learning, KM and the 170:20:10 rule

Favorite The 70:20:10 rule is commonly quoted, as in this video by Steve Trautman, as representing the three ways in which people learn. 10% of our learning, comes from formal training 20% of our learning comes from structured mentoring, from a senior to a junior, or teacher to learner 70%

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Shared by Nick Milton March 19, 2020

How benchmarking and KM make a powerful combination

Favorite One of the main barriers to knowledge transfer and re-use is complacency. Benchmarking (internal and external) can help remove this complacency. Not invented here Bingo, by Ramon Vullings on Flickr One of the biggest barriers to overcome in Knowledge Management is a lack of desire to learn from others,

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Shared by Nick Milton March 17, 2020

What can happen if you don’t capture the "know-why"

Favorite Know-Why is important in KM, but sometimes neglected. Let’s see what happens if this is not captured. Image courtesy of keesler.af.mil Know-how is one of the cornerstones of Knowledge Management.  If we capture how things should be done, we empower people who need to perform a task, but have

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Shared by Nick Milton March 16, 2020