The "learn before, during and after" model in KM

Favorite “Learning before, during and after” is one of the oldest models in KM, and still one of the most useful. Learning before, during and after was one of the early bywords for Knowledge Management at BP in the 90s – a simple and memorable mantra that project staff can

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Shared by Nick Milton March 29, 2018

Why you can’t have AI without KM

Favorite The rise of AI in the form of intellegent agents requires the rise of KM to support it.  Image from wikimedia commons This is the conclusion of Gartner research, quoted in this Computer Weekly post entitled “IT staff will need to retrain when automation deskills their jobs”. According to

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Shared by Nick Milton March 28, 2018

The NATO lesson learned portal

Favorite The video below is a neat introduction to the concept behind the new Lesson Learned Portal at NATO The video is publically available on the Youtube channel of JALLC, the joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre at NATO The Youtube description is as follows: The NATO Lessons Learned Portal

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Shared by Nick Milton March 26, 2018

Using MOOCs to transfer knowledge at WHO

Favorite When it comes to transferring knowledge to a massive audience, MOOCs are a potential solution.  Here is a fantastic example from the World Health Organisation. Image from wikimedia commons There are some Knowledge Management cases where knowledge is created through research and analysis, then needs to be spread around a

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Shared by Nick Milton March 23, 2018

A case study of a failed learning system

Favorite When lesson learning failed in the Australian Defence Force, they blamed the database. But was this all that was at fault? Here’s an interesting 2011 article entitled “Defence lessons database turns off users”. I have copied some of the text below, to show that, even thought the lessons management

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Shared by Nick Milton March 22, 2018

Knowledge as "the voice of experience"

Favorite Is KM a way of sharing the “voice of experience”? In many ways, you can look at much of Knowledge Management as being a systematic approach to identifying, distilling and transmitting the voice of experience around the organisation. Experience is the great teacher, and experience which is shared through

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Shared by Nick Milton March 21, 2018

Military Axioms for Knowledge Management

Favorite Courtesy of this linked-in blog post, here are some proposed axioms for KM from a military source. The author of the post is Brett Patron, and Brett has taken a set of established Axioms for Special Operations Forces, and suggested how they can be applied to Military KM. The

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Shared by Nick Milton March 20, 2018

How the Emergency Services are resourcing real-time learning

Favorite It is common practice to invest time and resources in learning after a project.  Here are some examples of investment during a project.  I blogged lasy week about lesson learning in the Australian Emergency Services, and made passing reference to Real-Time Evaluation. It’s worth spending a little more time

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Shared by Nick Milton March 19, 2018

How the Australian Emergency Services manage lessons

Favorite Taken from this document, here is a great insight into lesson management from Emergency Management Victoria.   Emergency Management Victoria coosrinates support for the state of Victoria, Australia during emergencies such as floods, bush fires, earthquakes, pendemics and so on. Core to their success is the effective learning of lessons from

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Shared by Nick Milton March 16, 2018