Thought you might like to see this knowledge product

Favorite The video below is a product of the Olympic Games Knowledge Management program, as part of their methodology for transferring experience from one organising committee to another. The 27-minute video is introduced here, and was created during the Rio Olympics to describe the work of press photographers at the

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Shared by Nick Milton November 26, 2020

Can there be such a thing as "too much collaboration"?

Favorite Let’s collaborate by Ron Mader on Flickr Collaboration is one of those words that is often taken as being overwhelmingly positive, and something everyone should do. But is it? With the exception of France, where a “collaborateur” is still a dirty word, the concept of collaboration is usually seen

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Shared by Nick Milton November 24, 2020

Lessons learned in Emergencies

Favorite  In the video interview below with  Santhosh Shekar, my Australian colleague Ian Fry talks about lesson learning in the Australian emergency services, both on the recent Bush Fires, and also during the Covid pandemic. He also shares his thoughts on ISO 30401:2018; the ISO management systems standard for KM.

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Shared by Nick Milton November 23, 2020

How the management of documented knowledge changes with KM maturity

Favorite  Improved access to documents is the second-most common strategic approach to KM. How is this improved access delivered? A question in our 2017 and 2020 surveys asked respondents how explicit or documented knowledge is managed.  The question was phrased as follows: Which of the following most closely represents the organisation’s

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Shared by Nick Milton November 20, 2020

How escalating lessons can help burst knowledge bubbles

Favorite Any lesson learning system requires a method for escalating lessons. However escalated lessons may need to break through “knowledge bubbles”. How do we reconcile these two issues? Rainbow bubble by Lena on Flickr As we have often argued on this blog, the purpose of lesson learning is to drive

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Shared by Nick Milton November 11, 2020