Loss Aversion, and the dis-incentives for KM-based change

Favorite The risk of loss of the status quo can be a powerful disincentive for change, and can be a powerful factor working against knowledge management implementation. There is a very apt quote from Machiavelli (The Prince, 1532), which applies to Knowledge Management as it does to any change initiative:

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Shared by Nick Milton December 14, 2020

How KM helped "the Great Crew Change" in the oil sector.

Favorite Knowledge Management has been a key factor in easing the demographic gap as older retiring oil-sector workers gave way to younger counterparts. Royalty-free image from Pixabay At the beginning of this century, the oil sector realised it was was facing a crisis of both manpower and knowledge.   During the

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Shared by Nick Milton December 10, 2020

3 words that put "Management" in Knowledge Management

Favorite The difference between Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Management lies in three words – systematic, routine, strategic. Quite often we find clients who don’t like the term “knowledge management” and prefer something like “knowledge sharing” instead. Often this comes from the assumption that “knowledge management” means “the management of knowledge”,

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Shared by Nick Milton December 9, 2020

Optimising for the internal search engine

Favorite Internal company search seldom works as well as Google, because so few people optimise the findability of their content. Image from Wikimedia commons People often cite Google as the gold-standard in search, but partly Google works so well because of the prevalence of search-engine optimisation in the World Wide

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Shared by Nick Milton December 8, 2020

Knowledge Management in the Tata Business Excellence Model

Favorite  Here’s how the Tata group uses KM as a core pillar of their group-wide excellence model Image from wikimedia commons The Tata Group is an Indian multinational conglomerate, and one of the biggest and oldest industrial groups in India. The group uses an annual assessment against the TATA Business Excellence

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Shared by Nick Milton December 4, 2020

Why is KM in the Rolls Royce annual report?

Favorite It’s not often you see Knowledge Management mentioned in the annual report of a large organisation. Here’s why it’s in the Rolls Royce report.  image from wikimedia commons Company annual reports are documents that public companies prepare for their shareholders, to tell them the current state of finances, outline

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Shared by Nick Milton December 2, 2020

The rate of change of knowledge

Favorite  Knowledge changes, and knowledge of some topics changes faster than others. This has massive implications for knowledge management. Image from wikimedia commons Knowledge is not static. It changes and develops over time. It has a half-life, and that half-life seems to be shrinking as the world speeds up.  Old

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Shared by Nick Milton December 1, 2020